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[日記]今日の出来事  from h i m a k o r o( 略 ) @ EQ2JE  (2010-3-1 9:00) 
アンレストクロークに新アドーンがつかなくてご立腹のFyliaさんです。こんばんは。 70のマントだから70の煌めくにしたんだけどなあ・・・もう1個下じゃないとだめか。だるい。 新アドーンメントをぽちぽちつけて、なんとなくHPが増えたりしました。 今日のインスタンスめぐりは・・・夕方にヴィジラント号「救助」へ野良まじりで。 レベル88の人が死にまくってた。 そして今日のデザートをいただく。ふふ。 夜に初めて1ヒーラーでセラに行く。まずは掃除からだと思ったらNamedまで来ててちょっと変な汁が出る。 半泣 ...
アップデートノート、メンテナンス時間、ギルドインタビュー、思い入れのゾーン、SCアイテム、ゲーム仕様の  from EQ2 Spells III  (2010-2-27 23:31) 
1.アップデートノート(2010.2.26) 引用: ゲームアップデートノート 2月26日 バトルグラウンド バトルグラウンドがついにエバークエスト IIライブに登場! アクセスするには、ゲーム内でAlt+Zを押すだけ。詳細はこちら: 一般 フリーポートのガードのレベルが若干修正されました:ガードの多くはレベル95のままですが、グッド属性のハイレベルのプレイヤーがクエストアップデートをアクセスするのをブロックしません。 ロストソウルのオベリスク:アクセスクエストを終了し、ゾーンを出入りできるレベルのキャラクターは、自動的にドアを開けることができます。 クェルルのファクション商人のSataは、スカラータイプの燃料(蝋燭、石炭、お香)も売るようになります。 アイテム エレメンタル・バリア(いくつかのPvPギアにある独特なProc)が改善され、自動スタックされます。 PvP Procのミューティレーションが変更されました。ターゲットのヒールに対する効果を減少する(ヒーラーに対してのみ効果を持つ)代わりに、すべてのターゲット(ヒーラーに限らず、ヒール中のキャラクターなら ...
Sentinel's Fate & GU55 Live!  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2010-2-17 4:15) 
The EverQuest II expansion Sentinel's Fate is now live (for those that have a retail key, digital download access is 1 week later) along with game update 55. This expansion and game update have brought some changes to the default user interface. I have posted a compare of these changes here . Please allow interface authors some time to fix their UIs before posting it doesn't work 100 times. :D UI Notes: Icons next to the quest name now indicate quest difficulty and con color. Checkboxes have been removed from each quest part since the window no longer displays completed parts. Fixed examine information for spells and items with ward effects. The class AA trees have been rearranged so they no longer scroll vertically. Removed critical multiplier stat from spell examine windows and added it to the Crit Bonus tooltip in the Persona Window. Some changes have been made to the quest helper based on player feedback: Reduced font size of title. Quest te ...
Sentinel's Fate NDA lifted!  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2010-2-6 6:44) 
Today EverQuest II's expansion Sentinel's Fate beta NDA has been lifted allowing all beta testers to share information about the expansion that's to launch on Feb 16th. I have posted a compare of the interface changes here . You may also want to check out ZAM's Beta Tour and info about Game Update 55 .
EQ2Interface Wiki  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2009-12-30 5:57) 
In an effort to better document the EverQuest II Interface I have installed a wiki . I'm asking all authors to please share your knowledge on the wiki in hopes to inspire new authors. We need newbie guides, reference guides, advanced author guides, those /slash commands we all forget, anything that has to do with the EQ2 Interface. EQ2Interface wiki
Game Update 54 - Will of a Tyrant  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2009-12-10 2:31) 
SOE has released GU54 Will of a Tyrant for EverQuest II. This update comes with a ton of bug fixes and a few interface changes. You can view a compare of the default changes here . ZAM has put together a nice patch guide of the changes and events going on. GU54 Features: PRELUDE EVENT Freeport has been rocked by the sudden destruction of Dethknell Citadel. What was once an ever-present reminder of The OverlordÂ?s power and will floating above the city has collapsed, and the tenuous peace held within the city by the watchful and ruthless Overlord has been obliterated. Something has obviously befallen Lucan D'Lere, the Overlord of Freeport! Start your investigation into these mysterious events in West Freeport by speaking with Sir Tallen Yevix. The destruction and chaos in Freeport has not gone unnoticed by the Qeynosians, but they, too, have encountered some clandestine acts committed against their leaders, the royal house of Bayle. Help Qeynos recover so ...
Beta Registration for SentinelÂ?s Fate is Live  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2009-12-2 11:36) 
A heads up for those looking to get into the EQ2 SentinelÂ?s Fate beta you can now put your name in the hat! Unfortunately registering for the beta program does not guarantee admittance. Find out more here .
Pre-order EverQuestII Sentinel's Fate  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2009-11-13 5:28) 
Just wanted to give you a heads up that EverQuest®II Sentinel’s Fate™ and EverQuest®II Sentinel’s Fate™ Collectors Edition, the sixth expansion for the popular online game EverQuest®II, is now available for pre-order at ! Looks like if you pre-order or purchase from a retail store you get to play early. I'll be grabbing the collectors edition since it includes the DVD to EverCracked. I was able to see that at last years FanFaire and it was great. Be sure to check out the new screen shots and video at ZAM !
Lest We Forget  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2009-11-11 14:41) 
Remembrance Day. Veterans Day. Armistice Day. Poppy Day. Whatever you call it, remember those who died and are dying for our freedom and the freedom of others. Freedom isn't free, and in war there are no unwounded soldiers. Whether 100 years ago, 50 years ago, yesterday or tomorrow: We won't forget. Thank you.
New Quest Helper  from EQ2Interface - EQ2Interface News  (2009-11-5 17:08) 
Rothgar was kind enough to show us his work on the re-worked active quests and quest journal windows on his twitter . Click Here If you've been following this thread you knew change was coming and now you get to see it for your own eyes thanks to Rothgar. Those of you that don't know it's a re-worked active quest & journal window that allows you to track multiple quests on your HUD. Feel free to leave your feedback or questions here . ...Any one notice the new tab? (click the above picture) :eek:

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