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Downtime Tuesday June 18, 2013 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US EverQuest II servers will come down on Tuesday, June 18, at 7:00 am Pacific Time for an update.  This will be during the announced SOE-wide maintenance period , so expect a two-hour downtime.  The EU EQ2 server downtime is Tuesday, June 18, at 9:00 pm Pacific Time, and the expected downtime is two hours.  Patch notes are below. GENERAL Fixed an issue with pet auto assist related to click-through targeting. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Siren's Grotto: Dissension [Raid] Gen’ra: Stinging urchins spawn less frequently in the Gen’ra fight. You are no longer able to use the Conch of Reverberating Echo if Gen'ra has been killed in either version. Using the Conch of Reverberating Echo no longer despawns Diviner Gelerin. Normal progression will still need to be maintained as if the zone were a new zone for any bosses after Gen'ra. Challenge Duo Zones You must be grouped with your partner when fighting the Duo Bosses or bad things ...
ProSiebenSat.1 Integration to Begin June 20, 2013 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
An update on the ProSiebenSat.1 transition was posted late this morning on the EQII forums : Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and ProSiebenSat.1 Games Group will be furthering their partnership with the launch of EverQuest® II on or around June 20, 2013. As we approach the transition, we want to clarify some final points. We have put together an updated FAQ that further addresses some of the most common concerns and questions from our online player community. Importantly, we want to address up front the most common concern that players have had, which is server accessibility. SOE and ProSiebenSat.1 Games have determined that it is in the best interest of the players and the community to allow players to continue to play on any server regardless of where they live. That means that European players will be able to play on U.S. servers and vice versa. Again, we appreciate you sharing your thoughts and opinions with us. Your feedback is valuable to us in the ongoing effort to ...
Downtime Thursday, June 20, 2013 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
POST-PATCH UPDATE: If you are receiving a" MainHUD Map2_clone_0 "UI error, it is because you are running custom maps. EQ2Map users can run the auto-updater to fix this error. Bunji also suggests :"If you're using a custom UI file you may need to change version="1.2"to version="2.0"at the end of the first line of that xml."The cause of this error is Instant Travel being pushed live. All EverQuest II Servers will come down on Thursday, June 20, at 4:00 am Pacific Time for an update. The expected downtime is four hours. UPDATE Thursday Morning:   This was posted on Facebook:" This morning's anticipated downtime is five hours (not 4, as previously stated). We hope to have the maintenance complete and the servers back up by 9am PDT. [Dexella]" While the original announcement said"[t]here are no game update notes associated with this downtime,"patch notes were posted a couple hours later and you'll find them below. Here's our Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan. ...
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
UPDATE : Due to the extended downtime on Thursday, this month's event has been extended to end on June 22 at 11:59pm PDT. The monthly live event Moonlight Enchantments starts tonight! It is scheduled to turn on June 20th at 12:01am PDT and run until 11:59pm PDT on June 21st. The time applies directly with no conversion to all servers. Check out our Moonlight Enchantments guide and peek at the rewards !
Summer Gold Rush Promotion Begins June 21 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
EverQuest II Gold Members are getting an awesome bonus this summer!  Gold Members should check the Ability page in their Knowlege Book for a spell called" Gold Rush ."  This once-daily use spell provides bonus coin loot (increase of 15%), an experience bump (increase of 10%), and additional mount speed (increase of 5%)! This spell grants these benefits for four (4) hours each day. The Gold Rush spell is only available to Gold Members from June 21, 2013, through September 21, 2013.
EverQuest Next Website, Social Media Revealed [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Earlier today, Sony Online Entertainment revealed a teaser website for EverQuest Next . It has little information aside from mentioning that the worldwide debut will be at this year's SOE Live on Friday, August 2, 2013 . Along with the website there are several new EQ Next social media accounts that fans can follow for tidbits of information: Twitter : Facebook : Google+ : YouTube : Twitch TV : Also make sure to tune in to SOE's Twitch TV channel on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 3:30pm PDT (6:30pm EDT) for the EverQuest franchise E3 live broadcast! UPDATE : The recording of this video is now available on Twitch TV .
EQII Producer's Letter [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Today Holly"Windstalker"Longdale published her latest EverQuest II Producer's Letter , which details Game Update 67 - Darkness Dawns .  Highlights include: The continuing Cobalt Scar story (click here for Holly's spoiler) Fabled dungeons reusing content from Desert of Flames - Clefts of Rujark, The Djinn Masters Prism, Scornfeather’s Roost, and Pedestal of Sky Character Advancement Templates - AA presets and the ability to save multiple builds Three New Contested Avatar Raids - Prexus, Solusek Ro, and Drinal Arena of the Gods - Challenge the avatars on YOUR schedule! New Tradeskill Apprentice"goodies" New PvP rewards Darkness Dawns (GU67) is slated to hit live servers July 30, 2013. Also mentioned is the Summer Gold Rush promotion. Staring June 21 and running through September 21 existing and new Gold members will get access to a 4-hour daily spell that gives you +15% Coin Loot, +10% Experience, and +5% Mount Speed while it’s active! Read all of Holl ...
Downtime Tuesday, June 11, 2013 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US EverQuest 2 Servers will come down on Tuesday, June 11, at 7:00 am Pacific Time for an update. The expected downtime is one hour. The EU EQ2 Servers will come down on Tuesday, June 11, at 9:00 pm Pacific Time, and the expected downtime is two hours. Patch notes are below. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Siren's Grotto: Dissension [Raid] Gen’ra Challenge Mode: The Phantasmal Conduit adds near the end of fight do less damage, and have less health. The Lost Village of Kugup Players should now be able to use the portal stone at the zone start to exit out the village at any time. QUESTS Lost in the Woods - Field Marshal Vishra will now complete the quest, even if you have already accepted or completed"The Voice in the Forest."
Downtime Tuesday, June 4, 2013 [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US EverQuest 2 Servers will come down on Tuesday, June 4, at 7:00 am Pacific Time for an update. The expected downtime is one hour. The EU EQ2 Servers will come down on Tuesday, June 4, at 9:00 pm Pacific Time, and the expected downtime is two hours. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Cobalt Scar Aerial collections in Cobalt Scar should no longer spawn in unreachable locations. Salton the Undying inCaveofAnguishwill no longer wake and attack if player is on the tradeskill quest,"Hope Reborn"where the item,"Othmir Scouting Potion"is applied to the player's character. The Court of Al'Afaz Evac will now take you to the start of the instance instead of zoning you to Pillars of Flame. Lesser Faydark Grand Master, Lu Sun will no longer meditate beneath the rock once you have returned to complete the quest given by him. Freeport Cipius Abito the Provisioner will no longer check to see if you are on one of the good factions for some of the items that he ...
Downtime Friday, June 7, 2013 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US EverQuest 2 Servers will come down on Friday, June 7, at 7:00 am Pacific Time for an update. The expected downtime is one hour. The EU EQ2 Servers will come down at 9:00 pm Pacific Time, and the expected downtime is two hours. Patch notes are available below. GENERAL Pets with auto assist on should correctly follow the player's lead. MERCENARIES Mercs will now only display their first name in raid / group UIs. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Sanctum of Fear The zone bosses in Sanctum of Fear once again drop loot and give exp. Thundering Steppes "The Cove of Decay: A Treaty for Treasure"instance should now be accessible again without getting kicked out after zoning in. Charasis: Maiden's Chamber The gate opened after slaying Sandstorm will now stay open even if you leave the zone and return at a later time. Siren's Grotto: Dissension [Raid] Gen’ra fight: Aquatic Curses happen less frequently. Warcouncil members have less health. ...

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