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Downtime - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US Servers will come down on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, at 7:00 am Pacific for a hotfix. The EU Servers will come down on Wednesday, November 7, 2012, at 5:00 am London Time. The expected downtime for both US and EU servers is one hour. Here is the patch note: GENERAL You can now summon a chest to you. Right-click the chest and choose summon or use the /summon_chest command. If you have no chest to target, the /summon_chest command will give you a list of chests that you can summon to you. Here's our handy Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan.
Chains of Eternity: Overland Art Preview Video [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE released a video today of several EverQuest II artists explaining the look and feel of the overland zones in Chains of Eternity. Check out the video below to hear it in their own words!  
Nights of the Dead Extended... Again! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Nights of the Dead was originally extended to end today at midnight; however, an error caused it to accidentally end at noon today. Due to this the event has been extended one more time, slated to end at midnight pacific on November 8. We're extending Nights of the Dead until tomorrow night [November 8] at midnight. We goofed and ended it at noon today (time is hard). Spooky tidings
Happy 8th Anniversary, EverQuest II! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Today marks another milestone in EverQuest II's journey as the game turns 8 years old. We can anticipate the Heroes Festival celebrations again later in the month, but in the meantime, long-time players can enjoy the new 9 Year Veteran Rewards ! The 9 Year Veteran Reward crate contains an expanded version of the 3-year broker display case, seven equipment unattuners, more field repair kits, health and power potions, and some scrolls of resurrection. Any account that has reached at least nine years of age should be able to see this item in their claim window. Click on the picture below to see all of the veteran rewards!
Coin Limit Will Be Removed for F2P Accounts [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Starting November 13, 2012 (expansion launch ETA), Free and Silver members will no longer have a coin limit on their accounts! The introduction of the Krono brought to light how difficult it was for F2P players to purchase or sell Krono from other players. SOE listened and responded quickly ; this change has been on the beta server as of two days ago. The full announcement is available after the jump. It's an exciting time in the world of Norrath! Beginning on November 13, 2012 , there will no longer be coin restrictions for players with Free and Silver memberships! "We're always looking at ways to make sure our Free and Silver members are getting a good value now that we're Free to Play. Lifting the coin limitations is one way we're doing that,"says Producer Holly"Windstalker"Longdale."The launch of Krono is a really exciting feature for us, and we want to make sure all of our players will be able to participate in the program (buying, selling, and trading Krono in-game). Af ...
Chains of Eternity: Walking Through the Veil [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
EverQuest II's ninth expansion, Chains of Eternity , brings the story back to all the players as they explore the Ethernere. After Firiona Vie's death during the quest Unexpected Consequences , the Duality and Ravinus worked together to open an ethereal tear in the Feerrott, allowing mortals to pass into the realm of the dead. The Ethernere is overseen by Drinal, the Silver Reaper, though players will first encounter his steward as they enter the plane. The realm is in danger as two powerful essences seek to do their bidding through the Ethernere, and it is up to seasoned adventurers to help. In a change from past expansions, the signature lines will be completely soloable so everyone can experience the full story. Continue after the jump for more information! In Chains of Eternity players will be able to increase their adventuring, crafting and guild levels to 95. New prestige abilities will be available to both adventurers and crafters. Some of the adventurer ab ...
SOE eCommerce Issues Delay Krono Availabllty [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
UPDATE: Krono should now be working properly. Players are reporting issues with the availability of the new Krono in EverQuest II.  On the EverQuest II Twitter page it's mentioned that this is due to eCommerce issues.  Colette"Dexella"Murphy, EverQuest II Community Manager posted: We are experiencing some issues with eCommerce at the moment, which is impacting how Krono appear in game. We are working on a resolution to this currently, which is why you may be experiencing some delays in Krono showing as available. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will update you as soon as more information is available.  Watch this thread on the official forums for more information as it becomes available.
EQII Nights of the Dead Screenshot Contest [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
To celebrate Nights of the Dead , ZAM has acquired TWENTY-FIVE exclusive Royal Mummy Wrap Crate codes to give away AND some Station Cash ! All you have to do is bring us your best EverQuest II Nights of the Dead themed screenshots, and you could be sporting this bejeweled version of the Mummy Wrap with a pocket full of SC! Full instructions and rules are here . But here's the short version: Register on ZAM . Upload your most awesome Nights of the Dead themed screenshots here . Wait until November 2 when we'll give prizes out! Feel free to link and discuss your favorites in this thread on the EQ2 ZAM forums .
Triple Station Cash Deal November 4 [EverQuest]  from ZAM News (full) 
This just in, hot off Twitter! Apparently Sony Online Entertainment was planning a triple Station Cash event this week, but has postponed it due to hurricane Sandy. According to John Smedley , president of SOE: We were going to run a surprise Triple Station Cash promotion tomorrow. Due to the horrible storm and our East Coast players being impacted ... we are going to move that promotion to this upcoming Sunday November 4th. We normally do not announce these, but under these conditions we ... decided it was the right thing to do. Smed Update: Linda"Brasse"Carlson tweeted :"RT @neodraykl : @Brasse @j_smedley What’s eligible for the triple promotion? SC cards or online purchases? [Everything except SMS!]"So I'd save those Walmart and SOE Live cards!
Double XP Weekend Returns: November 2 - 4 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Get ready for a second double experience weekend! Starting at 12:01pm (noon) Pacific on Friday, November 2 , 2012 , and lasting until 11:59pm Pacific on Sunday, November 4, 2012 , SOE is offering Double Experience in EverQuest II! Take advantage of this limited time offer and watch those XP bars fill up! The bonus applies to adventuring, crafting and alternate advancement experience. Don't forget that Daylight Saving Time ends Saturday night/Sunday morning (fall back!) and there will also be a Triple Station Cash promotion on Sunday, November 4th!

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