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Game Update 61 Postponed Until August 25 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The War of Zek ( Game Update 61 ) was originally announced to go live on Tuesday, August 23 during SOE Podcast #115. This evening Amnerys posted an update that it will be pushed back two days to Thursday, August 25 : Hail, friends! In order to make sure that Game Update 61: The War of Zek gets ample testing time, we will be launching this update on Thursday, August 25th . We look forward to sharing the new features and content with you, and will have more specific information on the downtimes for the update later in the week. This update will include a reset of all Alternate Advancement points and all gear being unequipped and unattuned. Ensure that you give yourself ample time to prepare for this the night before. We also welcome you to take another look at our six Game Update 61 Preview articles!
ZAM's Cyliena Appears on the Jethal Show Tonight [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Our own Cyliena will be a guest host on Kithicor's Jethal Silverwing Show tonight, August 23 at 7 p.m. PDT/10 p.m. EDT! She'll join Jethal and Elquinjena to talk about EverQuest II's Game Update 61 and more, so be sure to tune in for the discussion. You can even listen in-game by typing /join antonia_bayle.ogr. Game Update 61: The War of Zek was originally scheduled to launch today but has been postponed until Thursday, August 25. Until then, we welcome you to take a look at our GU61 preview articles !
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly live event Moonlight Enchantments starts tonight! It will turn on August 20th at 12:01am PDT and run until 11:59pm PDT on August 21st. The time applies directly with no time conversion to all servers. Check out our Moonlight Enchantments guide and peek at the rewards !
GU61 Preview: Fae and Arasai Take Flight [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Velious. With the rediscovery of this icy lost land Norrathians got Public Quests, Prestige Housing and a wealth of goodies including...  flight. Mounts that soar above the lands and speeds never before experienced. Everyone got the opportunity to fly - even the vampires got trained bats. And Norrath's winged residents cried out:" HEY! What about us? See these flappy things on our backs? Have the gods forsaken us?" The answer to that is no, the faefolk had to simply look deeper into the power of flight. In the upcoming update, all Arasai and Fae who are level 85+ in adventuring or crafting will be able to learn how to fly. In the snowy peaks above the Goahmari Village Rookery seek out an inquisitive faefolk who has realized that harnessing the Goddess of Air's power may unlock the secrets of flight . This journey into discovering why Arasai and Fae could not fly and receiving the ultimate blessing of soaring through the skies will be available when Game Update 61 relea ...
GU61 Preview: Carpenters Get Crafty [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Since the introduction of floor tiles to the Moonlight Enchantments and City Festival events, Carpenters have been asking for tile recipes of their own. At Fan Faire this request for stone dividers was presented and got a positive response from developers. Also revealed were house signs, which allow players to modify the text to create a custom message for visitors. Carpenters got their desires and more. Five new crafted dividers will be available, four of which are stone and one with a Halasian-themed wood grain. These recipes were added into the Carpenter Essentials books between levels 3 - 83 and players who have already scribed them will automatically have those added to their recipe book.   Continue after the jump for more on new Carpenter recipes and the Housing Directory. A total of 16 floor tiles , which match many of the crafted dividers, will be released with this update. Like the dividers, the recipes are also available through the levels 3 - 83 essent ...
GU61 Preview: Velious Adventurer Quests [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
For many adventurers in Velious, the Eastern Wastes has seemed like a short venture for questing. With the most recent update this zone will be augmented by two more quest series, which continue the stories of the Goahmari Stormfeather's Pride and the Thrael'Gorr Clan of orcs. Stormfeather's Legacy begins in Great Divide and is available to adventurers who have completed their gryphon mount quests. Players learn that the Goahmari want to introduce some of their gryphons to the Eastern Wastes and quickly move on to there to assist with the efforts. The wild griffons of the region must be figured out and even helped before adventurers can secure the future of the pride. Rise of the Thrael'Gorr continues the story left off when the pale barbarian, Ragebourne, disappeared. The Thrael'Gorr orcs are prepared to establish a home of their own but must remain hidden from the prying eyes of Kael Drakkel. Adventurers will speak to their contact in the Ry'Gorr Keep and assist the Thrael ...
GU61 Preview: Beastlord Prelude Event [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Beastlords disappeared from Norrath as the Truespirit, powerful spirit guides, retreated along with the gods. Since the Age of Cataclysm, their power has been slowly re-entering the world, but their very existence is in danger from a corruption called the Blight. Some spiritually attuned persons have been investigating an emergence of spiritual energies in both Antonica and the Commonlands. Both good and evil aligned players will be taken on a unique adventure to help the Truespirit cleanse the corruption. Discover the remnants of the Cult of Sellok and assist the wise spirits Ilfanul and Ravinus with a ritual that will herald the New Awakening. The first half of the Beastlord Prelude Event will be available when Game Update 61 goes live on Tuesday, August 23rd. The prelude's conclusion is anticipated to be released around halfway between GU61 and the Age of Discovery.
Downtime - August 16, 2011 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
All U.S. servers will come down for a hotfix at 7am PDT on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. The expected downtime is one hour. The Splitpaw server will have its hotfix at 5am BST on Wednesday, August 17, 2011. Estimated downtime is 2 hours. The Butcherblock server will be taken offline at 12am PDT on August 16th and is expected to be down for 24 hours . This extended downtime is for hardware upgrades to that server. The full patch notes are available after the jump. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Sullon’s Spire, Tallon’s Stronghold, and Vallon’s Tower x4 raid zones (NOT challenge mode) Several of the encounters in the zone have been made less powerful so that the challenge from these zones is more in line with the rewards.  In particular boss npcs will tend to melee attack for less damage, and many of their aoe spells will also do less damage, as well as be more mitigateable. Vallon’s Tower x4 raid zones ...
GU61 Preview: AA Revamp&New Tradeskill Tree [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
In Game Update 61 the Alternate Advancement system is being revamped and a new AA tab will be added. As a result of the revamp, every character will have all of their AA points reset. Several classes will also see changes, removals or replacements of existing AA abilities, which will be further detailed when the final Live patch notes are released. The Class, Subclass and new Tradeskill trees are available at level 10. The Subclass tree was reorganized, placing the available Advancements in rows which are unlocked as you spend AA points in the tree. The final AA is available after spending 80 points in the Subclass tree. A change to the Shadows tab is that it will now be locked until level 50. This was perhaps the most controversial topic on the Test forum as the General AA line in that tree is beneficial to all characters regardless of level.   Continue after the jump for more on the revamp and new tree. The Heroic tree, introduced in Destiny of Velious, wil ...
GU61 Preview: Dynamic Dungeons [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Two new Dynamic Dungeons, originally announced at Fan Faire, take popular older zones from Desert of Flames and give a new take on them. These dungeons scale from levels 60 through 90 and are intended to be fun group content. The concept behind dynamic dungeons is that their population may change each trip. An example given in Podcast #115 was that the Silent City dynamic dungeon has 15 different"population sets". These dungeons were designed to be defeated by a group of average geared players. The Palace of Sabaron is a take on the Djinn Masters Prism raid zone. It is accessible through a genie lamp near the entrance to Silent City. Skeletal cobras and prismatic defenders populated our brief run through this instance with the mummy boss General Dal'Zark pulling out all the stops and halting our trip. We visited Silent City: The Delving Dead twice and witnessed two different population sets for it. The first was gnolls and gelatinous cubes and the second trip had spectral w ...

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