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Featured Guide: Greater Faydark [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Game Update 57 brought developer attention to Greater Faydark , where the Nursery series has been revamped.  The story has changed just a bit and the progression is much smoother than the original.  Later in the Greater Faydark quests new players receive their first mount as they infiltrate Crushbone Territory. We walk you through the entire zone in our updated Greater Faydark Quest Series Guide !
Featured Guide: Recipe Books [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Did you know that after completing some crafting quest series you can buy your Advanced recipe volumes for that tier?  Where do you find Bartending for Sadists?  How do you get the recipes for Battlegrounds gear and Mark of Manaar gear? Whether you're looking for the recipe for Mooshga Mush or need a Chocolate Chip Cookie, you should find it all on our new Recipe Book Guide !
Labor Day Bonus Experience Weekend [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Here in the States we celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September, giving most of us a three day weekend.  What better way to spend it than in Norrath!  Today on the official forums SOE announced a true double experience weekend: This coming weekend, from 10:00 am PDT on Friday, September 3rd, until 10:00 am PDT on Tuesday, September 7th, we will be running a true Double XP promotion (+100% XP). The bonus applies to AA, tradeskill and adventure experience gained this weekend. Our French, German, Japanese, Test and EQ2 Extended servers will also be enjoying the increase in XP gain. If you want to maximize that double experience, our handy Time Zone Conversion Tool can help you plan! 
City Festival Starts Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Tomorrow is the beginning of September, bringing us the Neriak City Festival !  The Festival should start September 1st at 12:01am PDT and run until September 7th at 11:59pm PDT.  You can find the Far Seas Caravan in Darklight Wood in the area between Neriak and the chasm. This month you can pick up two new Neriak-themed house items: a plain purple streetlamp and a Neriak display counter .  Also new this month's festival: if you're simply overloaded with City Tokens, speak to Sanya Farshore who will be happy to either buy them from you for 250 status points each or sell you some new paintings !
Hotfix Notes - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
According to the official forums there will be a hotfix Wednesday morning.  The US servers will come down on September 1, 2010, at 7am PDT for a hotfix.  The expected downtime is 1 hour.  No mention was made of the EU servers, but we would expect them to be patched at their normal time of day. See the hotfix patch notes below the jump! EVERQUEST II EXTENDED Classes can now be purchased individually off the Marketplace and through character creation. Armor crates have been added to the Marketplace selling sets of armor for all levels. You can now purchase Broker Credits from the marketplace! Broker Credits can be used for a one-time purchase or sell action on the broker for Bronze and Silver members. Selling and purchasing stacks of items count as a single broker credit so use them wisely! USER INTERFACE The XP bar will now stay put through relogging. The bonus xp from max level characters now displays properly at character se ...
SOE Maintenance Notice Sept 2, 2010 [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
Aimee"Ashlanne"Rekoske posted on the Station Community Forums : Account services, including account maintenance, all commerce, and Station Store will be down for maintenance for 3 hours on Thursday, September 2, 2010, from 5:00 am PDT to 8:00 am PDT. The Station Store and all commerce avenues will be unavailable for the duration of maintenance. This may also affect the performance of the forums and any or all accounts'abilities to log in. Here's our handy Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan!
EQII Spotlight: September Events [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The Far Seas caravans rolled into Darklight Wood on September 1st, bringing their wares for the monthly city festival . Neriak is proud to feature two new local specialties as well as being the first city to have the 2010 Forum Challenge paintings for sale. The festival will continue to run until 11:59PM PDT on September 7th. This coming weekend will have a double experience bonus , kicking off on September 3rd at 10AM PDT and concluding on September 7th at 10AM PDT. Adventurer, Alternate Advancement and Tradeskill experience will all have a 100% bonus applied to them. This bonus weekend will affect all US, French, German, Japanese, Test and EQ2 Extended servers. On the 20th of this month, the phases of the moon will once again be aligned, revealing the secretive grottos. Moonlight Enchantments will run from 12:01AM PDT on September 20th and will conclude at 11:59PM PDT on September 21st. No new items are expected to be on the grotto merchants. Eight new druid rings in Norrat ...
Hotfix Notes: September 8, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This morning's hotfix addresses minor issues with the UI, Shader 3.0 and some items.  Automatic spell replacement on hotbars has been temporarily disabled.  The King Speleothem event in Stonebrunt should be working now!  See the complete notes from the launchpad after the jump. EVERQUEST II EXTENDED Fixed a bug causing Platinum subscribers to not be able to use the shared bank. USER INTERFACE Fixed a bug that would cause your AA slider to reset to 50% upon zoning. Sort by current zone for the quest journal now properly puts the current zone quests at the top of the list. We have disabled the spells from replacing old ones in the hotbar until we can track down a bug regarding it. SHADER 3.0 Fixed an issue causing parts of some structures in Halas to show as wireframe. ITEMS Torque of the War Blade and Ring of the Vice Vigoth now have resists added to their stats. Runic Deflection on Band of Mreeptahp’s Fury now correctly wards your targe ...
Featured Guide: Making Money in EverQuest II [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Veteran players forget, sometimes, the things that threw us a bit when we were new players.  Remember getting your first free house and wondering where you were going to get five silver a week to pay for it?  Prices on the broker can seem a bit daunting when you've only got 90 silver in your pocket and really want to upgrade your pet spell. Making money in EverQuest II isn't hard, but a new player might like a couple of hints to the better opportunities to line their pockets.  We hope our new guide, How to Make Money , helps you get the goodies you need to succeed.
Destiny of Velious Video [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE has released the press information on Destiny of Velious, and with it the concept art, screenshots and video from the 2010 SOE Fan Faire.  Following the events of Sentinel's Fate , the twin Swords of Destiny, Soulfire and the Qeynos Claymore, have been drained of their powers, setting the stage for the destruction of the EverQuest universe.   The prophecy known as Age's End begins to unfold in the legendary continent of Velious and it is here where the war for Norrath will arise. For there to be any chance to save Norrath, the Swords of Destiny must be restored. Norrath’s guardians who undertake this burden will be tested by labyrinthine dungeons, the harsh Velious tundra and powerful creatures including the God of War himself, Rallos Zek. To succeed would mean ultimate glory. To fail would mean annihilation   Click the image at right to see the gallery of screenshots and concept art shown at Fan Faire. Here are ...

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