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SOE Podcast 103: Pirates of the Burning Sea&More [Pirates of the Burning Sea]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE Podcast Episode 103 has been released, and this one focuses on Valentine's Day. In addition to the seasonal discussion, Pirates of the Burning Sea Design Department Lead Declan O’Connell stops by to talk about the free-to-play game. Also, host Aimee“Ashlanne” Rekoske and co-host Linda“Brasse” Carlson discuss Plants vs. Zombies and the new SOE Universal Game Cards. As always, Jason“Pex” Ryan joins the podcast to bring us the latest updates on many SOE titles. Head over to the SOE Podcast site to download the episode or subscribe through the iTunes store.
Lucan D'Lere to Crushbone Server Merge Tonight [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The Lucan D'Lere server will come down at 9pm PST today (February 15) to prepare for the last server merger. The Lucan D'Lere to Crushbone server merger will begin at 12:00am PST on Wednesday, February 16th and the servers will be offline for an estimated 24 hours. The merged Crushbone server should be back online sometime around 12:00 am PST on Thursday, February 17th. The following services will be affected for all EQII servers during this downtime and may experience interruptions: Cross-server chat Chat channels In-game mail Friends Lists See our Server Mergers page for everything we've learned about server mergers so far!
Destiny of Velious NDA Lifted [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Your faithful ZAM staff has spent a fair amount of time entranched in the Destiny of Velious beta with Heroes of Test. We're here to report to you:  It's cold in Velious. Okay, you knew that.  Destiny of Velious offers a lot to all play styles, but since there's a week before launch we're going to stick to generalities.  As usual, all our information is from beta and may or may not change before the expansion launches.  All pictures were provided by SOE. There are two overland zones in Destiny of Velious: Great Divide and Eastern Wastes. Here you'll find the solo content you've come to expect. We found the quests enjoyable and the rewards good. The coveted Flying Mount quest is part of the solo Great Divide series. Thurgadin, home of the Coldain Dwarves, can be found in the Great Divide. It serves as a minor quest hub as well as a city area with the usual amenities including brokers, bankers, a crafting area and writ givers. Several important qu ...
Hotfix - Tuesday, February 8, 2011 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US servers will come down on February 8, 2011, at 7:00 am PST for a hotfix to prepare for Erollisi Day.  The expected downtime is 1 hour.  Splitpaw will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on 02/09/2011. The estimated downtime will be 2 hours. There are no notes for this hotfix.
Erollisi Day Begins! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Erollisi Day , the Norrathian festival of love, started at midnight!  Nathan"Kaitheel"McCall posted last week on the official forums that barring unforeseen circumstances the sugary event will start February 9 and run through February 20 (February 21 for servers with a scheduled merger ). Erollisi Day did not hit Test servers early this year, so your faithful ZAM staff will be updating our Erollisi Day Guide as fast as we're able to get the info!  Early information reveals a vendor-sold pink unicorn mount and a vendor which will trade your candy and notes for Barbarian Love Notes!
Hotfix - February 10, 2011 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
All U.S. servers will come down for a brief hotfix on at 7am PDT on February 10th. This update should fix the underlying cause of the frequent crashes players were experiencing in New Halas as well as several bugs with Erollisi Day . Here are tomorrow's patch notes : GENERAL Fixed an issue causing players to crash in Halas. NPCs that were MIA in Steppes should be back on duty. LIVE EVENTS Players that have completed“Find'em a Find, Catch'em a Catch!” from Diana Heartstrings or David Torchsong in previous years can now continue to advance the quest by speaking to the matchmaking characters within the cities of Freeport or Qeynos. The Lovers'Gazebo Assembly Kit allows only one gazebo to be assembled at a time.  The item’s description provides more information now, too. Liannya Heartswell now exchanges love loot for Erollisi Coin in much bigger quantities! The tradeskill recipes for Elegant Coffee Table, Luxurious Dining Chair and Plus ...
SOE Podcast 102: EQ Interview and EQII Discussion [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE Podcast Episode 102 is now live and features some content that may be of interest to EverQuest and EverQuest II players. Host Aimee“Ashlanne” Rekoske and co-host Tiffany“Amnerys” Spence chat about EQII's Destiny of Velious expansion and the Fortune League Facebook game that brings EQII to the social networking site. The hosts also interview Eric“Piestro” Cleaver, the new EverQuest community manager. And to top things off, Jason“Pex” Ryan reports the latest community news from many SOE titles. Head over to the SOE Podcast site to download the episode or subscribe through the iTunes store.
SOE Commerce and Forum Downtime for Feb. 2 [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
Sony Online Entertainment has posted two maintenance notices for tomorrow, Feb. 2. Below are the two posts taken from the SOE forums. SOE Account and Commerce Flow and the Station Store Beginning at 7 AM PST on Wednesday February 2, 2011, SOE Account and Commerce flow and the Station Store will be unavailable due to maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately 1 and 1/2 hours. This might cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete. SOE Forum Downtime All SOE forums will be undergoing maintenance on Wednesday, February 2, 2011, from 10:00am PST until around 11:00am PST. During this time the forums will not be accessible. We will return to regular functionality as quickly as possible.
Hotfix - February 3, 2011 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
All U.S. servers will come down at 7am PST on Thursday, February 3rd for a hotfix. The estimated downtime is one hour. Here are the patch notes: GENERAL Fixed an exploit where players could use marketplace item expanders on guild halls. Players who have done that will have the item expander applied to their personal house when they next zone into their personal house and the item expander will be removed from the guild hall. If this puts a guild hall over its item limit it will still have the items but you will not be able to add more items until the item count is reduced. The character house item bonus from the marketplace expander now properly applies to your home and shows in the total number of bonus items in the UI.
Spotlight: February Events [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The Far Seas Caravan toted their goods across the lush lands of Greater Faydark, setting up their tents on the Green Knoll for the Kelethin City Festival . One new specialty item, an Engraved Kelethin Door , is available and can be purchased from Chris Weathers. The city festival will run until 11:59pm PST on February 7th. Spreading the word of love is what the Sisterhood of Erollisi, along with the Swornlove siblings, has dedicated their lives to. Players can help out the followers of the Goddess of Love during the annual holiday, Erollisi Day . While the specific details of what's new in this year's event have yet to be revealed, we have been informed that the event is expected to run from 12:01am PST on February 9th through 11:59pm PST on February 20th. Any servers affected by a merger during the event will have it extended one day, to conclude at 11:59pm PST on February 21st. The phases of the moon will reveal the mysterious grottos again later in the month and their deniz ...

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