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Farewell to the Isles [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Game Update 56 will bring the end of an era to EQII: Norrath's major cities, Freeport and Qeynos, will no longer be available as starting locations for new characters. Originally announced back in February, this caused some panic and consternation among players. Alan Crosby, former EQII Senior Producer, said "The new player experience in Qeynos and Freeport are just not up to snuff anymore and do not provide as solid an experience when you enter the game for the first time."New Senior Producer Dave Georgeson said he would not be changing plans for the short term, and sure enough, Monday night on Test the Queen's Colony and Outpost of the Overlord were"turned off". I'm in the group of players that's not very happy with the decision. In EverQuest II Freeport and Qeynos are cities diametrically opposed in politics and philosophy. After the Shattering they became the homes for all the playable races of Norrath. It seems strange to me that new players will not be allowed to start ...
The City Festival Starts May 1st! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Saturday is the first of the month, bringing us the monthly city festival!  It is in Freeport, the only city that has not yet hosted one.  This monthly festival is a place to spend those City Tokens you've been earning doing city tasks on local specialty house items and other fun stuff.  Don't forget to pick up a spiffy festival outfit! For more information on the City Festivals, including the exact location, see our City Festivals page!
Moonlight Enchantments Starts Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly mini event Moonlight Enchantments (often called"The Grottos") starts tonight!  The event will turn on at 12:01am PDT on April 20th and run until 11:59pm PDT on April 21st. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. If you need to hand finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want a peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Mini Live Event page!
EQII Update Notes: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
GENERAL Fixed an issue where possessing a creature would sometimes make your attackable target not attackable until you changed targets. RESEARCH You may now have all characters on your account researching at the same time. USEABILITYONPLAYER COMMAND The useabilityonplayer command now supports group and raid slot numbers in place of the player’s name. For example, to cast Enduring Breath on the 12th person in the raid: /useabilityonplayer r12 Enduring Breath To cast Enduring Breath on the 3rd person in your group: /useabilityonplayer g3 Enduring Breath ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENTS Focus: Death March now adds 10% damage reduction to On the March in PVE Combat and 5% damage reduction in PVP Combat. QUESTS The Flames That Cannot Die Quest has been altered. It was not intended that you have to go through the library several times for that update and as such the quest has been updated. Those who have completed at least one part o ...
ZAM Interviews New EQ2 Producer, Dave Georgeson [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Monday I was privileged to sit down and chat with SOE's Dave Georgeson, who was introduced last Thursday as the latest EverQuest II Senior Producer. We talked about the future of EverQuest II, the role of microtransactions in the gaming industry, and his production style.  Dave's passion for gaming and game production is fun and infectious.  While he readily admits he's got a lot to learn about EverQuest II, his production principles are solidly based on maximizing fun.  Here's the transcript of our conversation. ZAM:   Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  You're a bit of an enigma to a lot of players. Dave Georgeson:   I've been in gaming for a long time.  I've been producing and directing games for about 20 years now, with one exception always on the PC side; I made one Playstation game which we won't mention because I was working for 3DO then.  A large chunk of my games have been action oriented, games like Tribes II and Pla ...
SOE Introduces the EQII Passport [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Yesterday SOE introduced a new alternate subscription model, the EQII Passport.  $5 will get existing inactive accounts three days game time, and you can do this once every 30 days. The subscription seems to be designed to entice players who have left the game or who have more than one account to step back into Norrath from time to time at a lower price point. The EQII Passport website identifies several player types who might use the limited subscription, from"Weekend Warriors,'"to"Penny Pinching Multiboxers."  Ideally this might serve as a kind of re-trial of the game, as the free trial offers are not valid with existing accounts.  As the Passport is temporary, players who wish to continue gameplay will have to purchase a regular subscription. For more information on the EQII Passport, see the EQII Passport website .  
Bonus Experience Weekend! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Yesterday, it was announced that between 3PM PDT on Friday, April 23rd and 11:59PM PDT on Sunday, April 25th, players will enjoy a bonus to their adventuring, alternate advancement and tradeskill experience. Greetings Norrathians! Sharpen your swords and repair that armor. There will be bonus AA and adventure experience this weekend starting at 3:00pm PDT on Friday, April 23rd until 11:59pm Sunday, April 25th. Happy adventuring! Details on the exact amount of the experience bonus are still pending. It was confirmed after the original announcement that tradeskill experience is also included.
Update Notes: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This week's hotfix includes minor fixes and an adjustment to the difficulty of the vigilant zones. GENERAL The difficulty of the Vigilant zones has been adjusted slightly. Fixed a bug causing some players to be locked out of the game when harvesting. ITEMS Warbeads should once again be dropping in Ykesha's Inner Stronghold Vest of Divine Equilibrium should now have 20 critical mitigation. Band of Stonefom has been slightly improved. PVP Removed legacy mults that reduced player spell avoidance and resist amounts as they were making the new formulas less effective. Overall, players should see their resists be more effective vs spells QUESTS The ring event for King Speleothem should now be respawning properly. PALACE OF ROEHN THEER Maalus Imbued priest clones have been balanced. Also the demoralization spell it casts on players no longer stifles, and is curable as a normal arcane spell. PERAH’CELSIS’ ABOMINABLE ...
Alan"Brenlo"Crosby Leaves SOE? [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Astute fans of Sony Online Entertainment noticed Alan"Brenlo"Crosby changed his job status on Facebook this afternoon.  His Recent Activity says"Alan removed his job as Senior Producer - EverQuest II at Sony."  A query to Christine"Kiara"Renzetti, EQII Community Manager, resulted in a polite"no comment."  We will report details as they become available.  Wherever Alan is going, ZAM and the EQII Community wish him the best.  
New EQII Producer Announced [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
On the heels of our news that Alan Crosby was no longer at SOE, Linda"Brasse"Carlson, SOE Senior Community Manager, posted this announcement on the EQII official forums : After many years of service, Alan"Brenlo"Crosby has decided to leave SOE to pursue other opportunities.  And while it is sad to see him leave, we wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors. At this time, we'd like to take a moment to introduce EverQuest II's new producer, Dave Georgeson.  Dave is excited to join the EQII Team and will be posting an introduction in the near future. Dave's resume includes SOE's Planetside and Free Realms , and his LinkedIn page says he's been back at SOE since February.  Welcome Dave!  We look forward to seeing what you bring to Norrath.

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