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SOE Podcast 101: DCUO, Magic: The Gathering&More [DC Universe Online]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE Podcast #101 was just released, and it's called the"Hero-Cast"thanks to its focus on DC Universe Online. Host Aimee"Ashlanne"Rekoske and co-host Joel"Raijinn"Sasaki discuss the newly released comic MMO and include an interview with DCUO Community Manager Tony"RaderX"Jones. The hosts also talk about Magic: The Gathering - Tactics , which just launched on PC yesterday, and Dungeon Overlord , SOE's newest Facebook game. Give the podcast a listen for information on these games and more!
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly live event Moonlight Enchantments starts tonight! The event is scheduled to begin January 20th at 12:01am PST and will end on January 21st at 11:59pm PST. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. If you need a hand with finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want to peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Live Event page!
Hotfix - January 20, 2011 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
All U.S. servers will be brought down for a brief update tomorrow morning. Runnyeye and Splitpaw will be updated at 5am London Time on January 21 with an estimated two hour downtime. Amnerys announced the hotfix on the official forums: The US servers will come down on January 20, 2011, at 7:00 am PST for a hotfix.  The expected downtime is 1 hour. There are no update notes for this hotfix.
SOE Maintenance January 10-11 [EverQuest]  from ZAM News (full) 
NOTE:   The time of this maintenence has changed since the original announcement. There will be some downtime for all SOE games in the early morning hours on Tuesday. Here's a note from Ashlanne over on the EQ Forums : Beginning at 10pm PST on Monday, January 10th, ALL SOE games, subscription and commerce services will be unavailable for maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately ten hours. This might cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete. We apologize for this interruption and will resume the affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed.
Destiny of Velious Launch Delayed [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This evening two updates regarding the Destiny of Velious expansion came rolling in: the delay of its launch date and the date that pre-orders begin. The launch date has been pushed two weeks back to February 22, 2011. Announced on EQ2 Players , pre-orders for the expansion will begin this coming Tuesday, January 18th. Detailed pre-order information will be released the same day. Dave"Smokejumper"Georgeson announced the launch date change on the official forums: As you know, we’ve been working hard on the“Destiny of Velious” expansion pack. It was originally scheduled for release on Feb 8th, but after getting feedback from players, spending time playing the game internally, and discussing ways to make things better, we’ve decided to move the release date back to Feb 22nd instead. Feb 22nd gives us another couple of weeks for polish, tuning, and a honing of the fun factor for the expansion. We think the wait will be well worthwhile. Check Eve ...
January Velious Winter Rewards Announced [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
On Tuesday, January 18, qualifying EQII and EQ2X accounts who have met the requirements for Velious Winter Rewards will find a new bag in their /claim window which contains two new items; an Ice Wolf Pup and a Superior Potion of the Advanced. The potion grants a 100% experince bonus to Adventure, Tradeskill and AA experience for two hours.  The wolf pup is a tiny cosmetic pet version of the Ice Wolf Mount that is a February Velious Winter Reward. To qualify for the January rewards players must have an active paying subscription in good standing or an Extended Gold or Platinum Membership on January 17, 2011. source:  EQII Players
Destiny of Velious Available for Pre-Order [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Despite the recent annoucement that Destiny of Velious pre-orders would begin Tuesday, the game is already available on and  The EverQuest II expansion costs $39.99, and includes a Standard of the Dain Cloak and four different Velious Portal Paintings with teleportation powers.  The latest list of features reads: Standard of the Dain Cloak - Animated glowing hammer cloak Four Different Velious Portal Paintings - Paintings with teleportaion powers 30-day subscription for new accounts Flying mounts - Soar high above Norrath and explore EQII like never before More than 1,000 new weapons and items - Customize your character and in-game home in thousands of ways Over 300 new quests - Follow the EQII storyline through the fabled lands of Velious Ten instanced dungeons - Crawl your way through 10 dangerous dungeons Four new Heritage Quests - Live the legacy of the EverQuest franchise and gain memorable rewards One massive con ...
Hotfix - Thursday, January 6, 2011 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The U.S. servers will come down on January 6, 2011, at 7am PDT for a hotfix.  The expected downtime is one hour.  T his is a notification that UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on January 7, with an estimated downtime of two hours.  Here are the update notes: ITEMS The following adornments should now properly display what slots they can adorn: Focus: Lesser Intimidation Focus: Lesser Power Focus: Lesser Vengeance Focus: Lesser Effectiveness Focus: Lesser Resilience
Frostfell Extended! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
A message from Tiffany"Amnerys"Spence brought us the happy news that Frostfell has been extended until Tuesday's hotfix!  That means that if all is normal, you have until 7:00 am PST Tuesday, January 11 to get your last-minute questing , crafting , and token farming done!  If you have catching up to do, you might find our Frostfell Quest Tracker handy.
Fortune League Brings EverQuest II to Facebook [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Sony Online Entertainment and Fastpoint Games have teamed up to launch Fortune League , a new strategy Facebook game based on EverQuest II. Players can use the live trading market to purchase a party of heroes and take on weekly quests for a chance to earn in-game rewards in EQII and EQII Extended. So why make an EverQuest II Facebook game? According to Kelly Perdew, CEO of Fastpoint Games,"Fortune League aims to provide existing players with a fun, new way of engaging with the depth and adventure of EQII, in short, snackable sessions, while also introducing new players and creating a new revenue source for the franchise." If you'd like to try out the alpha version of Fortune League, head over to . Details on the in-game rewards and a short"how to play"guide can be found after the jump. How to Play Join or create a League in which to compete. Assess the current Quest to determine what combination of Hero talents you want i ...

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