Patch Notes for January 4, 2011 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
This morning all U.S. servers will come down at 7am PDT for a brief hotfix. The estimated downtime is one hour. Here are the official patch notes : GENERAL Escrow deposit log entries will now be combined properly when a player makes a deposit if the player's name or ID changed due to a server transfer or server merge. QUESTS Freebloods can now complete the Heritage quest“The Journey is Half the Fun“.
Spotlight: January Events [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The city of Gorowyn was abuzz with excitement this month as the Far Seas Caravan arrived at its docks to begin the city festival . Players can acquire the new Plain Gorowyn Door from Chris Weathers and earn more city tokens by assisting Kella Swampfoot with her tasks. The Gorowyn City Festival will end at 11:59pm PST on January 7th for most servers. Fierce trade winds delayed the start of the festival for Butcherblock and Permafrost, so it will end at 11:59pm PST on January 8th on those two servers. The season of giving will soon be over as the Frostfell live event concludes this month. A few days remain to finish seasonal crafting, the new quests and purchase goods within the Frostfell Wonderland Village. The event is planned to end at 11:59pm PST January 6th. On the 20th of this month, the phases of the moon will once again be aligned, revealing the secret grottos. Moonlight Enchantments will begin at 12:01am PST on January 20th and will conclude at 11:59pm PST on January 21 ...
Destiny of Velious Closed Beta Begins! [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Dave"Smokejumper"Georgeson posted today that the first round of Destiny of Velious closed beta invitations have gone out. You should be receiving emails at the email address you have registered for your Sony Station Account. If you have not receive such an email by the end of the day today (1/4/11), then you weren't accepted into Closed Beta...yet. Depending on how many folks pile into the beta, and how many testers we need, we may authorize extra groups of people later this month. Stay tuned for more details! Go check your email, and best of luck! Remember, if you were accepted into beta you are under an NDA. If you'd like to contribute to ZAM's Destiny of Velious knowledge, please contact a ZAM staff member privately.
The City Festival is Live! [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The Far Seas Caravan traveled the waters of Norrath to reach their destination, arriving early this morning in Timorous Deep to begin the Gorowyn City Festival ! The festival started on January 1st at 12:01am PST and will run until January 7th at 11:59pm PST. The Far Seas Caravan is found inside the Timorous Maw while the quest giver, Kella Swampfoot, is on the docks of Faydedar Watch. This month you can pick up one new Gorowyn themed house item: the Plain Gorowyn Door . Visit Chris Weathers and Sanya Farshore to see all the local specialities , Forum Challenge Paintings and other festival goods.
Direct2Drive Offers 50% Off SOE Games this Weekend [General News]
from ZAM News (full)
If you're looking for a last-minute holiday gift, you may want to head over to Direct2Drive. All Sony Online Entertainment titles (excluding DC Universe Online) are 50% off until Monday, Dec. 27 at 10 a.m. PST. Games that are offered in the sale include PlanetSide, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes and expansions for EverQuest and EverQuest II. Direct2Drive is also currently offering sales on all sorts of indie games, including Plants vs. Zombies and Torchlight. You can grab both of these games for $5 each this weekend! If none of these deals sound appealing to you, check out the above promo codes to save up to 25% off your entire order until 2011. Happy holidays!
Bonus Experience this Week [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
EverQuest II players are enjoying double experience for most of this week. From 12:01 am PST on Monday, December 27 through 11:59 pm PST on Thursday, December 30, 2010 there is true double XP (+100% XP) for AA, tradeskill and adventure experience gained over these four days. EQ2 Players notes that this includes the French, German, Japanese, Test and EQ2 Extended servers.
EQII Feature: Progression Guides [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Norrath is full of content to suit any style of adventuring. From the comfortable reaches of your home city through the depths of the Underfoot, players encounter an endless variety of quests and creatures to battle. Ever wonder what content you may have missed or where to adventure next? Our progression guides will help take you there! Solo Progression Heroic Progression Raid Progression
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The monthly mini event Moonlight Enchantments (often called"The Grottos") starts tonight! The event will start at 12:01am PDT on December 20th and run through 11:59pm PDT on December 21st. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. According to a post by Greg"Rothgar"Spence, Moonlight Enchantments will be extended by one day on servers affected by the merge of the 19th and 20th. If you need a hand with finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want to peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Live Event page!
Patch Notes for December 21, 2010 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The hotfix earlier today fixed an issue with the Research Assistant amenity still being purchasable in the guild hall. It also opens up the Child's Play charity item, the Cloak of the Snowfall , for purchase (available through 12/31/2010) and players without their server legacy titles should now be granted them. Here are the full patch notes : GENERAL This year you can support the Child’s Play charity by purchasing the new Cloak of the Snowfall from the Station Marketplace! ITEMS Auto-consumed items such as the server merge titles will now be consumed on login if they were added while the player was offline. AMENITIES Research Assistant amenities can no longer be purchased in a guild hall.
EQII Announces Velious Beta, Bonus XP and More [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
In a post on the official forums today Dave Georgeson, EQII Producer, announced that the Friends and Family phase of Velious Beta started today. "Destiny of Velious"is almost ready for beta testing! We're going into internal"Friends and Family"mode today and then we'll start authorizing players for Closed Beta testing when we come back in 2011. So that's great news. (TOFS, here I come!) Additionally, we're doing two other cool things right before the end of the year. 1) From the 24th to the 27th of December, any Station Cash cards redeemed will be doubled in effect. This is our"Double Station Cash Stocking Stuffer"program if you see it mentioned elsewhere. 2) Also, we're doing Double XP Days from Dec 27th (monday) to Dec 30th (thursday). Most of you will be shocked to hear that we're doing Double XP not actually on one of the holidays and on weekdays instead of weekends. Don't fall down in shock. He later added: P.S. This is likely to be the last bonus ...