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Monday Maintenance, Tuesday Merger [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
A post Sunday afternoon by Greg"Rothgar"Spence announced downtime Monday in preparation for the second EverQuest II server merge on Tuesday. Monday morning will be a short maintenance in order to prepare for more upcoming mergers.  The offical announcement should follow soon, but this should be a typical 7am downtime with 30-60 minute ETA. Monday night at midnight we will begin our next merger with Unrest and Najena.  Estimated downtime as with the last merger will be 24 hours but we hope to have servers up earlier.  Several minor issues with the last merger have been fixed so we expect this one to go smoothly.  We will do our best to keep you updated with the merger progress as it is happening. The first server merge caused interruptions in chat channels across all servers, although this issue may have been resolved. Merger refugees are welcome to join us in ZAM IRC chat (the #EQ2 channel of course!) during the downtime.
Patch Notes for December 13, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Servers were down for one hour this morning as a hotfix was put in to patch up some issues from both the previous update and Frostfell . Guilds who still owned the Research Assistant amenity should now have a full refund, players who were missing the Frostfell Fanatic quest starter will now be able to begin that quest and veteran players with the Mistmoore Crags Estate will now have more decorating room. Continue reading below for the full patch notes. As a reminder, Unrest and Najena players will experience a 24 hour downtime tomorrow for their server merge . RESEARCH Research Assistants throughout Norrath have retired from their duties in light of recent progress in the research sector. If your guild owned the research assistant amenity , the amenity has been removed and the full purchase price refunded to your escrow account. PLAYER HOUSING The Mistmoore Crags Estate veteran reward home can now hold an additional 200 house items. GUILD HALLS ...
Najena to Unrest Merge Starts Tonight [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The Najena to Unrest server merge will begin at 12am PST tonight and is estimated to have 24 hours of downtime. The issues discovered with the merge process during the server merge last week are now believed to be resolved. Players on servers not affected by this merge can expect chat, friends list and in-game mail outages interruptions for its duration: The Najena and Unrest servers will be merging on Tuesday, December 14, 2010. Both servers will be offline for an estimated 24 hours, beginning at 12:00 am on Tuesday, December 14. The merged Unrest server is scheduled to come back online around 12:00 am on Wednesday, December 15. The following services will be affected for all EQII servers during this downtime and may experience interruptions: Cross-server chat Chat channels In-game mail Friends Lists We apologize for any inconvenience and will resume all affected services when the merge is complete.             ...
Remaining Merger Schedules Announced [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
In an announcement late this afternoon, Greg"Rothgar"Spence gave a schedule for the remaining U.S. server mergers: Tonight will complete the second merge of U.S. servers leaving us with 4 remaining merges to perform (8 servers).  During the next two merge windows we will be performing two merges at a time. Our current schedule is as follows: Wednesday Dec. 15th Mistmoore -> Permafrost (10:00pm PST) Kithicor -> Butcherblock (11:59pm PST) Sunday Dec. 19th Befallen -> Oasis (10:00pm PST) Nektulos -> Guk (11:59pm PST) The schedule for the remaining non-U.S. servers will be announced after Jan 1st. We understand that the extra downtime during this process is an inconvenience and we appreciate your patience as we work through it.  We have some fun promotions coming up in December so keep your ears open for announcements. Currently the Najena to Unrest server merge is well underway. For more information see our Server Mergers 2010 guide.
Hotfix - Wednesday, December 15, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
According to a post by Amnerys on the official forums , US servers will come down on December 15, 2010, at 7am PDT for a hotfix.  The expected downtime is 1 hour. UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on the 12/16/2010, with a two hour estimated downtime. This update addressess some Frostfell issues. Frostfell Tuwasp bixies in Greater Faydark are now the target for the level 5, Kelethin version of Gh'lad Tydingz's quest,"A Gigglegibber's work is never done.” Grikbar scamps in Steamfont Mountains should once again advance the level 35, Kelethin version of Gh'lad Tydingz's quest,"A Gigglegibber's work is never done."   Notes are not final until the update goes live, and are therefore subject to change.
Double Station Cash Weekend [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
From December 17 through December 19 players on Station Cash enabled games can purchase Station Cash at half price!  All payment methods except SMS purchases qualify, so now's the time to cash in those Station Cash cards!  For the first time ever and for a limited time only, Double Station Cash will be available across all top up amounts and for most payment methods*. Stock up now for double the fun! Offer valid 12/17/10 through 12/19/10. Eligible purchases include those made with credit/debit card, PayPal or pre-paid game cards. Exact start time of promotion on 12/17/10 to be announced. Look for more details later this week. *excludes SMS purchases Terms and Conditions: Station Cash™ is“virtual currency” used in many SOE games to purchase in-game items. To get started, add Station Cash to your virtual wallet once the promotion has started. Station Cash is non-transferable, has no cash value, and is subject to our Terms of Service. Se ...
Two More Server Merges Start Tonight [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
As the server mergers continue, two more will run concurrently tonight and throughout the day tomorrow with staggered start times. The Mistmoore server will be merging into Permafrost and the Kithicor server will be merging into Butcherblock. During these merges players on other servers will experience downtimes in the chat, friends list and in-game mail systems. The Mistmoore and Permafrost servers will be taken offline at 10:00pm PST on Wednesday, December 15th and will be offline for an estimated 24 hours. The merged Permafrost server should be back online sometime around 10:00 pm PST on Thursday, December 16th. The Kithicor and Butcherblock servers will be taken offline at 12:00am PST on Thursday, December 16th and will be offline for an estimated 24 hours. The merged Butcherblock server should be back online sometime around 12:00 am PST on Friday, December 17th.                 ...
Featured Guide: EQII Currency [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Like many folks I recently cleaned all the currency and tokens out of my bags and put it in the new Currency Tab in my Character Window.  I was amazed how much speciality currency I had lying around.  Where did all this stuff come from?  What's it for?  Should I hoard it, or is it junk now? We try to answer all those questions in our shiny new Currency Guide !
EQII Promotion Announces New Playable Race [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE has announced Velious Winter Rewards, where players can quality for six great items over three months. While four of the rewards are being kept under wraps, the February rewards are an Ice Wolf Mount and the"New Freeblood Vampire Race". EQ2 Live and EQ2X Gold and Platinum accounts in good standing on December 14, 2010 will qualify for the first two items. Meeting the same qualifications on January 17, 2011 will earn you the second set of rewards. The final set of rewards will be awarded to players who met the December and January requirements and order the Destiny of Velious expansion pack by December 31, 2011. The fine print reads:" EverQuest II Live subscribers and EverQuest II Extended Gold and Platinum members with accounts in good standing are eligible for rewards. If qualified to receive the third and final reward, EverQuest II Destiny of Velious expansion pack must be activated on or before December 31, 2011. " Tiffany"Amnerys"Spence has promised more information ...
Spotlight: December Events [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
A chill breeze was in the air as the Far Seas caravan set up their wares for the New Halas City Festival . Chris Weathers stocked his inventory with three new local specialties : the Coldain torch, Halas display case and simple Coldain door. The city festival will end on Tuesday, December 7th at 11:59pm PST. The season of giving is upon us and soon Santa Glug will be coming to town! One of the most anticipated live events, Frostfell , features two new quests , a new tier of Icy Keep token rewards and a total of 37 more holiday items to craft . Prove what a fanatic you are when the Magic Closets to the Frostfell Wonderland Village appear later this week. The event is slated to run from December 9th through January 6th. Later in the month the denizens of the enchanted grottos will welcome assistance from those who seek them out. Players can search for those elusive pieces to their Moonlight collections and earn tokens toward purchasing house items or mounts. Moonlight Enchantmen ...

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