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Velious Music on Test Copy [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
There's a bit of buzz today in the EverQuest II community as astute file-watchers found an"exp07"music directory downloading with the latest Test server patch.  It's not uncommon for expansion assets to appear in live and test data very early, but the music files are the only ones the average person can access without the game client.  SOE has been very tight-lipped about the Destiny of Velious expansion, and players are eagerly snapping up every tidbit they find.  Some of the subdirectory names are quite familiar to players of the original EverQuest:  Kael_Drakel, The_Fortress_of_Dunder, Thurgaden, Tower_of_Frozen_Shadow and Velkators_Labyrinth. There are also two called Rallos_Zek and Overland; Overland includes files called Othmir_Camp and Thrgadin_City_and_Harbor.
Hotfix - Tuesday, December 7, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The US servers will come down on December 7, 2010, at 7:00 am PDT for a hotfix.  The expected downtime is 1 hour.  UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on December 8, 2010, wiith an estimated 2 hour downtime. See the update notes after the jump!   POPULATION The Stonebrunt Highlands: The Quel'ule event mobs should no longer slowly migrate up into the sky. Hua Mein merchant Nin Yung in the Stonebrunt Highlands has discovered some house items he had hitherto misplaced. He is now offering them for sale to his allies.  Not to be outdone, Merchant Radi in the Sundered Frontier is also offering a new statue for sale to tradeskill allies. RESEARCH The Research window has been moved in to the Knowledge window. Journeyman through Master spell tiers can be researched. You are no longer required to speak with a Research Assistant to start/change/claim research. ABILITIES ...
SOE Account, Commerce&Session Maintenance [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
From 1:00 am PST until 1:00 pm PST on Tuesday, December 7th, SOE account services, commerce flow, and the Station Store may be unavailable during maintenance. Session servers (the ability to log into games) may also have interrupted service during this time. All EQII Battlegrounds servers will be locked during this maintenance.
Frostfell Returns to Norrath! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The season of giving and cheer arrived two days early as players were surprised to see that Frostfell had been activated after today's hotfix. Word spread quickly and adventurers rushed to see Santa Glug, craft the new items or run through the holiday quests. This year Frostfell introduces two new quests : Frostfell Fanatic and Raiding the Gifty Storehouse. A total of 37 new craftables are available to tradeskillers this year, resulting in items such as the Green Shiny Bell and Gingerbread Divider. Many of the returning event quests have new reward choices available to them. Players with extra"gifties"from the Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse can exchange them for Frozen Tokens of E'ci on the Enchanted Lands dock. Santa Glug can be found with his bag of goodies inside the Frostfell Wonderland Village for players to receive their daily presents . Also new this year are a banker and mailbox to accomodate those spending a lot of time inside the Wonderland Village. ZAM is pleased to ...
Research Assistant Amenity and UI Crashes [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Today's EverQuest II hotfix introduced a change to the Research Assistant that no longer requires you to visit one in a city--instead, the service can be accessed from your Knowledge window. This alteration caused the guild hall Research Assistant amenity to no longer be functionable, but still take up an amenity slot and only give a 50% refund if sold back. After a discussion regarding this cropped up on the SOE forums, Greg"Rothgar"Spence was able to give a favorable response to the amenity change: The proper thing to do from a customer service standpoint is to provide a refund of the amenity that has been phased out, so that's what I'm working on.  We want you to feel happy about your purchases and not worry about whether a game change in the future will invalidate the work you put in to obtain something, even if the change is for the positive. So hang in there until next week's hotfix and the amenity should be refunded for you automatically.  The status a ...
Blackburrow to Everfrost Merge Starts Tonight [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE announced this evening that the first server merge, Blackburrow to Everfrost, will begin at 12am PST tonight. The estimated downtime is 24 hours. The Blackburrow and Everfrost servers will be merging on Wednesday, December 8, 2010. Both servers will be offline for an estimated 24 hours, beginning at 12:00 am on Wednesday, December 8. The merged Everfrost server is scheduled to come back online around 12:00 am on Thursday, December 9. The following services will be affected for all EQII servers during this downtime and may experience interruptions: Cross-server chat In-game mail Friends Lists We apologize for any inconvenience and will resume all affected services when the merge is complete. For more information on the server merges see our Server Mergers 2010 guide. You are also welcome to come chat on our forums or on ZAM's IRC  (we're in the #EQ2 channel) during the long downtime! Continue reading below for additional updates as the merge progresses. ...
Blackburrow to Everfrost Merge Nearing End [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Greg"Rothgar"Spence has been giving periodic updates throughout the day on the progress of the Blackburrow to Everfrost merger. His latest update around 3:30pm PST indicates that the two servers should be completely merged soon and the QA team will be able to begin their checks. The merge process is nearing an end and we are almost ready for QA to start a pass on the server.  Assuming nothing goes wrong, we may be ready in several hours. Regarding the server legacy titles, those will not be available as soon as the server comes up.  They will be processed after a few days. An earlier update today also announced the order that the remaining affected servers of these mergers will be in. There is no solid date given for the next merge.
The City Festival Starts Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
December is on the horizon and as the new month begins the New Halas City Festival will come to Norrath! The festival is planned to start on December 1st at 12:01am PST and will run until December 7th at 11:59pm PST. The Far Seas Caravan can be found near the Cairn of the Huntress. This month you can pick up three new Halasian and Coldain themed house items: the Coldain Torch , Halas Display Counter and Simple Coldain Door . Visit Chris Weathers and Sanya Farshore to see all the local specialities , Forum Challenge Paintings and other festival goods.
SOE Super Fan Holidays! [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE is having another Super Fan promotion for the holiday shopping season!  Log in daily from November 29 through December 3 for special Marketplace deals in your favorite Station Cash enabled SOE games.  During Super Fan Holidays you can get 25% off 5,000 SC (now only $37.50) and get 35% off 10,000 SC (now only $65.00). Special pricing not available with SMS purchases or retail Station Cash cards. For complete details see the official news on your favorite SOE game site.  Promotion ends December 3, 2010 at 6pm PST.
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly live event Moonlight Enchantments starts tonight!  The event is scheduled to turn on at 12:01am PDT November 20th and run through 11:59pm PDT November 21st. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. If you need a hand with finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want to peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Live Event page!

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