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Featured Guide: Making Money in EverQuest II [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Veteran players forget, sometimes, the things that threw us a bit when we were new players.  Remember getting your first free house and wondering where you were going to get five silver a week to pay for it?  Prices on the broker can seem a bit daunting when you've only got 90 silver in your pocket and really want to upgrade your pet spell. Making money in EverQuest II isn't hard, but a new player might like a couple of hints to the better opportunities to line their pockets.  We hope our new guide, How to Make Money , helps you get the goodies you need to succeed.
Destiny of Velious Video [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE has released the press information on Destiny of Velious, and with it the concept art, screenshots and video from the 2010 SOE Fan Faire.  Following the events of Sentinel's Fate , the twin Swords of Destiny, Soulfire and the Qeynos Claymore, have been drained of their powers, setting the stage for the destruction of the EverQuest universe.   The prophecy known as Age's End begins to unfold in the legendary continent of Velious and it is here where the war for Norrath will arise. For there to be any chance to save Norrath, the Swords of Destiny must be restored. Norrath’s guardians who undertake this burden will be tested by labyrinthine dungeons, the harsh Velious tundra and powerful creatures including the God of War himself, Rallos Zek. To succeed would mean ultimate glory. To fail would mean annihilation   Click the image at right to see the gallery of screenshots and concept art shown at Fan Faire. Here are ...
Spotlight: August Events [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Game Update 57 is quickly approaching, with an estimated release date of August 17, 2010. This update heralds the end to a few ongoing events. The finale of the Halas Prelude event, Tribute to the Huntress , will end, though the rare house item version of the ripe pomegranates , which first appeared during this quest, will remain a permanent addition in The Commonlands. The Druid Ring Reconstruction Event has been completed on every server except Harla Dar and Barren Sky, in Russia. Once the eighth ring was finished, it unlocked a quest called Path of the Prophet . As far as we know at this time, the entire event, including the token merchants , is scheduled to disappear when GU57 arrives. This means that you should look into spending all of those hard earned Florets of Growth! A note about the Druid Ring Event: Niami Denmother of EQ2 Traders reported this in her Fan Faire 2010 Summary : "I heard third-hand that there were plans to let the druid ring rebuilding event continue ...
Fan Faire: EQII Expansion Panel [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The EverQuest II expansion panel was sketchy on details, but what we saw was promising.  Destiny of Velious, slated to launch February 8, will return Norrathians to the fabled continent of Velious.  Here players will continue the Order of Rime storyline, discover the fate of Thurgadin, and learn more about what happened in the 500 years between EverQuest and EverQuest II. The expansion will be levels 86+, to compliment Sentinel's Fate.  There is no level cap increase and there will be new AA although the details have not been hammered out yet.  Apparently this early in development there are still quite a few things under discussion.  We were given a list of zones and features, and told that there are more things planned that they have not yet finalized.  So far there are: Hundreds of new weapons, including Velium weapons 300+ quests 10 instances 1 massive contested dungeon 4 Heritage Quests including the Coldain Prayer Shawl 6 Raids 2 Ov ...
Game Update 57 Coming Soon to Test [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Dolby of our sister site EQII Interface brings us news of a post by EQII Lead Programmer Greg"Rothgar"Spence.  Addressing the popular community of third-party UI developers Rothgar gave a heads up for Game Update 57: Rest up because you're most likely going to have a lot of work to do when GU57 hits test server in just over a week! I can't go into a lot of detail right now, but we've made some pretty big UI changes for 57. The default UI is getting a re-skin and many windows have been modified. We'll post more when we can. Keep an eye on EQII ZAM and EQII Interface as GU57 hits Test servers for more news when it's available!
SOE Announces Fan Faire 2010 Master of Ceremonies [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE has announced that the Executive Producer of ABC’s“V” television series, veteran video game developer and ultra personality Jason“Jace” Hall, as the master of ceremonies of Fan Faire 2010 at Bally’s Las Vegas from August 5-8. Jace Hall wowed the attendees of the 2009 Fan Faire with a preview of the SOE documentary EverCracked .  Hall will maintain the flow of the show by hosting the annual Kickoff Reception, Grand Banquet and Costume Contest."I’m honored that SOE chose me as their official emcee for Fan Faire,"says Hall."Giving the show a bit of my own flavor and personality and mixing it with traditions from the past will be just the right combination to make this event PWN 4LL n00bs!"   source :  SOE Press Release
Hotfix July 22, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Tiffany"Amnerys"Spence has annouced an extra hotfix for EverQuest II this week.  The US servers will come down on July 22, 2010, at 7am PDT.  UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on 23/07/2010.   Downtime is expected to last two hours. LON MOUNTS Legends of Norrath mounts have all been upgraded to a standard 65% run speed. PERAH'CELSIS'ABOMINABLE LABORATORY Arkatanthis the Destroyer: The Benthic adds that challenge group members will try to challenge players unaffected by benthic freeze wherever possible.
Tinkerfest starts Friday! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
It's time for Tinkerfest, the Norrathian celebration of all things Gnomish!  Your EQII ZAM staff has gotten the scoop on all the new additions to this popular live event.  We've found new recipes, new quests, and new rewards for last year's quests!  And we've heard that the volunteer Guides have some fun planned too. Tinkerfest will run from 12:01am PDT on July 23rd until 11:59pm PDT on August 2nd. If you need a hint or just want a sneak peak before the festivities explode upon us on Friday, see our Tinkerfest Guide !
SOE to Open a Free-to-Play EverQuest II Service [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Dave"Smokejumper"Georgeson, EverQuest II Senior Producer, just annouced on the official forums that SOE will be opening a new EverQuest II service with a free-to-play model. "[W]e’re about to launch a bold new service named“EverQuest II Extended” (EQ2X). This is a completely separate service from the standard EQII Live subscription service (EQII). It's aims are simply to attract new players to the world of“EverQuest II” and let them try it out before deciding if and how they want to pay for it."Georgeson posted.  EverQuest II Extended is free to play and has a"more robust marketplace".  The program is currently in Alpha, and interested players can get involved with testing at .  It's important to note that the existing EQII servers are not changing their subscription model.  In fact, a new rewards program is being developed for players using the regular subscription model, and may involve" rewards ...
EverQuest II Producer's Blog [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
On the heels of the EverQuest II Extended announcement Senior Producer Dave"Smokejumper"Georgeson posted a producer's blog on the Station Blog .  He discusses taking feedback at Fan Faire, working on the next expansion, and changes to PvP and Battlegrounds. See the entire post at or below the jump. So, now that we have both the EQII Live subscription and the EQIIX free adventure services, what are we doing next? The answer is mostly that we’re putting all our sweat into making the game more fun and easier to use. But what does that mean? First of all, we talk to a bunch of you at Fan Faire. Not only do we spend time showing you what we’re planning, but we’ll be listening and collecting feedback at the same time. In fact, the first thing we’re doing at the show is a session about the EverQuest II Extended service where we’ll be in direct dialog with you about that new offering. Of course, our efforts on the new expansion p ...

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