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Spotlight: July Events [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The Gorowyn City Festival kicked off today, featuring two new local specialty items. The Far Seas Trading Company was delayed by the sudden change to the festival rotation, but finally found their way to Timorous Deep around 7:40AM PDT. The event is now in full swing and will remain in game until 11:59PM PDT on July 7th. Kurista, who has been dedicating her time generously to the Druid Ring Reconstruction , now offers a background story to those who take the time to chat with her. Servers that have completed all eight druid rings can now begin the quest Path of the Prophet . Players who have not yet spoken to the followers of Marr in the major cities can still pay their Tribute to the Huntress . This quest leads you to the city of New Halas to make a small offering to Erollisi Marr and rewards a title to those dedicated enough to leave at least ten offerings. The Druid Ring Reconstruction Event and Tribute to the Huntress quest are expected to remain active until GU ...
Double Station Cash Weekend Coming Soon! [Free Realms]  from ZAM News (full) 
On the heels of today's announcement about Free Realms reaching the 12 million player landmark, SOE also mentioned that there will be another Double Station Cash Weekend coming up to celebrate the 4th of July. Additionally, non-members will get a taste of membership, when a free trial period will be activated to last through the holiday weekend. To celebrate the Fourth of July weekend, SOE is running a Double Station Cash Weekend where players can purchase Station Cash TM cards, excluding Starter Cards, from local retailers, which can be redeemed from Friday, July 2 at 12p.m. PDT to Monday, July 5 at 12a.m. PDT for double their value in Station Cash, which can be used to buy virtual goodies or upgrade to a Membership status in the game. Also, for those who have wanted to see what the buzz is all about, SOE is offering a free trial membership all weekend long. All players will have access to the membership content during the trial period and at the end of the weekend, ...
Bonus XP and Double Station Cash Weekend! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Dave"Smokerjumper"Georgeson, EQII Senior Producer, announced bonuses for the holiday weekend.  UPDATE:   Recent posts on the EQII forums reveal that AA and Tradeskill experience will also be doubled!  Hey, folks, We read your posts about wanting a Double XP weekend this coming 4th of July weekend. I went and discussed it with everyone concerned, and voila!, now it's Christmas in July. This weekend, from 4pm Pacific on Friday, July 2nd until 10am Pacific on Tuesday, July 6th, we will be running BOTH a Double Station Cash promotion *and* a true Double XP (+100% XP) promotion. So go get those Station Cash cards so you can redeem them, and plan to play a ton this weekend! We'll see you on line! (Details about how to get SC cards and other stuff will be posted later this week, probably on Thursday. Until then, this will be the only announcement you get. Spread the word!) Your faithful ZAM staff found the Double Station Cash det ...
New Community Managers for EQ, EQII, and SWG [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
Rich"Greeblen"Schmelter, SOE's Director of Global Community Relations, announced today in a series of posts across several SOE forums that many of the Community Relations staff are changing games. Tiffany"Amnerys"Spence is picking up the reins of the EverQuest II community.  Christie"Kiara"Renzetti, formerly the EQII CM, will move to EverQuest.  Lydia"Zatozia"Pope is moving from EverQuest to Star Wars Galaxies.  Roger"Draakull"Pilney, formerly of SWG,"will still be around,"according to Greeblen. We welcome all the Community Relations Managers to their new positions!  
Hotfix Notes for Tuesday, June 29, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Tuesday's hotfix includes changes to Underfoot Depths, Perah'Celsis'Abominable Laboratory, Icy Keep: Retribution, the Outer Vault, the Royal Palace Of Roehn Theer, and Battlegrounds.  The hotfix is scheduled for the usual times:  7am PDT for US servers and 9pm PDT for Runnyeye and Splitpaw. See the complete notes after the jump.   GENERAL Large damage amounts will now display correctly in overhead combat feedback Customization Window will now customize normal appearance when illusions are hidden. PERAH'CELSIS'ABOMINABLE LABORATORY Waansu will now leave a corpse when defeated in challenge mode. Waansu: Players with Fungal Spores on them standing at the appropriate distance from the dragon will trigger an explosive reaction to hellish flames even if the hellish flames aoe itself is blocked. MERCHANTS The Sublime Cestus is now available on the El’Arad merchant for purchase. UNDERFOOT DEPTHS Regulus/Regulas must stay ...
Prowler Mount Giveaway Winners! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Our Prowler Mount Sweepstakes has ended and we have awarded five lucky people with new EQII Prowler mounts!  Phase 1 winners were annouced last week .  This has been a lot of fun, and it was very hard to pick winners.  Here's the Phase 2 winning captions: Tiboroun:"If you can read this, the Dwarf fell off." StarseekerofContempt:"New Cloud Mount: 50g.  Ticket to Barren Sky: 50s.  Guided Tour of Isle of Awakening: 1p. Hitting space bar while in mid flight: Priceless." We also chose one totally random person from the non-winning entries to win a mount.  Congratulations spankyjnco! Here are the winning Phase 1 captions: "Well I gotta run. I'm suppose to repop in 2 minutes."  by Kitartha "Your personal ad was a touch misleading."by Dyadem
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly mini event Moonlight Enchantments (often called"The Grottos") starts tonight!  The event will turn on at 12:01am PDT on June 20th and run through 11:59pm PDT on June 21st. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. If you need a hand with finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want to peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Mini Live Event page!
Official SOE Podcast #88 is Live [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
The latest SOE Podcast includes co-host Linda“Brasse” Carlson talking about E3, G.I.R.L, and Legends of Norrath: Doom of the Ancient Ones.  Listen in as they start counting down the days until Fan Faire and Hallie and Emily continue to look into Hubert’s whereabouts.  Aaron Bisnett’s news gives all of the latest updates on SOE titles! You can download the podcast from the Podcast Website and iTunes (search for SOE and click"subscribe") Have comments about the Podcast, your favorite game, or anything vaguely SOE related? You might get a sweet goodie bag for sending Listener E-Mail to !
Update Notes for June 22 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This morning's hotfix addressed several issues with the Druid Ring Reconstruction Event , PvP Warfields and the Underfoot Depths raid zone. See the full patch notes after the jump. DRUID RING EVENT The druid rings in Feerrott and Loping Plains are now safe destinations for newbies to zone in. Kurista, Elwe, Dalarim and Tolla Clorto no longer change appearances every time they zone. The Defender of Growth guards are now much more powerful, to better protect the druid rings. A couple harvest nodes near the Stonebrunt Highlands druid ring were left floating when the terrain was adjusted. This has been fixed. PVP WARFIELDS Antonica will once again broadcast the call to arms. PVP ITEMS Fallen Foe Charms can now be used by Wardens. PVP POPULATION The Priest of Discord in New Halas now resides closer to the PvP merchants. UNDERFOOT DEPTHS Vaclaz Encounter: Crippling Nausea no longer stuns players.  Instead it causes their act ...
Update Notes Tuesday, June 15 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This week's hotfix includes fixes for the Palace of Roehn Theer and Icy Keep: Retribution, as well as some PvP item changes and other minor tweaks.  See the whole list after the jump. GENERAL Buffs cast on summoner pets like“Howl of the Damned” will persist through pet reloads. DRUID RING EVENT The progress-tracking sign will now show up properly in Sinking Sands and Jarsath Wastes. TRADESKILLS The adorning daily quest giver should now reliably have a quest feather displayed. PVP ITEMS Charm rewards from BG and PvP merchants should now activate if in PvP Combat and with the correct item equipped. The Priest of Discord has ceased to offer exchanges for both Discord’s Prescient and Enduring Disks.  PALACE OF ROEHN THEER The two versions of 4-rune Theer should now have slightly different names. As long as enough people are alive, the Charged Soul spells and Inevitable Annihilation should no longer cast on ...

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