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New Halas Prelude Event [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The prelude event for GU56 , heralding in the coming of the city of New Halas , has been available through Volunteer Guides and CSRs over the past few weeks. Today saw the quest NPCs being added into the world, each found within the major player cities. Followers of Marr believe that they have been having premonitary dreams and send you on a short quest, A Vision of Valor , to find what truth there is to it. The Sisterhood of Erollisi comes again to Norrath, assisting you in solving the mystery of these strange dreams. The event gives some background into how the city of New Halas came to be, as well as a sense of finality to what happened to Mithaniel Marr following the events inside the Shard of Love. The prelude quest will be available until the launch of GU56 , which is expected to be next Tuesday, May 25th.
Moonlight Enchantments Start Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly mini event Moonlight Enchantments (often called"The Grottos") starts tonight!  The event will turn on at 12:01am PDT on May 20th and run through 11:59pm PDT on May 21st. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. If you need a hand with finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want to peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Mini Live Event page!
Mounts Now Available on the Station Marketplace [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Today SOE announced that three new mounts will be available in the EQII Station Marketplace.  For 2500SC ($25) you can have your choice of three very good looking mounts.  Each mount comes in your choice of Fierce or Arcane. The Fierce version increases Slashing, Aggression, Ranged, Piercing and Crushing of caster by 5, while the Arcane version increases Focus, Ordination, Disruption, Subjugation and Ministration of caster by 5. Both versions of the mount have a 65% run speed. These mounts are guarenteed to be available on the Marketplace for at least a month.  Click the picture above for large screenshots of each mount, and be sure to watch them in action in the video after the jump! embed
SOE Official Podcast #85 is Live [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
The"PodSide Cast"(Official SOE Podcast #85) is live! This exciting episode includes: An interview with EQII Senior Producer Dave Georgeson The Agency: Covert Ops PoxNora’s 13th expansion, Maljaran Shores PlanetSide’s 7 th anniversary So tune in! You can get your Podcast from the official Podcast site or the iTunes store (type SOE into the search box and click“subscribe”).  Your feedback is always welcome on the Station forums or via email .                      
EQII's Expansion 7: Velious? [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
EverQuest II players have long hoped for an expansion returning players to Velious.  Scars of Velious, the second expansion in the original EverQuest, was a favorite of long-time players.  With the appearance of the the icy Order of Rime last summer many players were sure Velious was coming, and were surprised when Sentinel's Fate took EQII players to the lost island of Odus.  Astute player Vulkoor found some interesting files downloading in April, which included othmir (an otter race from Velious) and Tserrina the near-legendary boss of the original Tower of Frozen Shadow .  The appearance of Coldain dwarves in New Halas (now on the EQII test servers ), have expectations high. Today observant (and persistant) players found an entry at the United States Patent and Trademark Office .  SOE applied for the trademark on EVERQUEST II DESTINY OF VELIOUS. While we're sure SOE will not announce the 7th EverQuest II expansion before they're ready, we feel c ...
EQII Update Notes: Tuesday May 4, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Servers will be down on Tuesday May 4 for about an hour for the weekly hotfix.  U.S. servers will come down at 6am PDT; Runnyeye and Splitpaw will come down at 9pm PDT.  Here's the notes: THE PALACE OF ROEHN THEER 3 Sage Encounter (Challenge Mode)- If the incorrect character class (according to the Idolic Stone that sage possesses) keeps agro on that sage for more than 3 secs after that sage has lost it’s prismatic sphere, that character will be hit by a bolt of slaying. SANCTUM OF THE SCALEBORN The Trial of the Reaver no longer requires a Trial Stone to start. The statue that starts the event,"Rites of the Scaleborn,"now becomes usable right after it spawns.
Game Update 56 Details Released [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE has released full information on the highly anticipated Halas Reborn update.  The planned release date is May 25, 2010.  Features include: Two new high-level raid dungeons New Halas starting zone New Halas housing options Story Teller UI Guide Exclusive login bonus item Halas themed Marketplace items Multiple in-game events The raid zones are The Icy Keep: Retribution, currently on test servers, and Underfoot Depths, a continuation of the Hole raid zones.  Live events will include the annual Tinkerfest , and the first of the next expansion's prelude events, Rebuilding the Druid Rings.  Players who log in between May 25 and 28 will be eligible for an exclusive Frostpaw Kitten from the Station Marketplace.  Click the picture above for a gallery of screenshots from Halas Reborn !
EQII Test Copy Goes PvP Today [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Juan"Olihin"Cardenas, mechanics and player vs player developer for EverQuest II, posted that the Test Copy server will be switched to PvP today for Game Update 56 testing.  He's specifically looking for testing of: Warfields Level Locking Token Consolidation Blue Adornments Achievement Spending To copy your characters to Test Copy, log in to the character you'd like to copy and type /testcopy in the chat window.  You may have to create a character on Test for your copied character to appear.  Olihin will be on Test Copy at 4pm Pacific time today, but warns that there will be no buffing available to advance your characters automatically.   
Log In May 12 - 14 for Free Marketplace Item [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Players who log on to EverQuest II May 12 - 14 can receive a free set of armbands in the Station Marketplace! The Rose Quartz Inlaid Gold Armbands use the appearance shoulder slot.  They may be examined to choose left arm, right arm or both arms, and can be re-examined at any time to change it.  If you'd like to try it on before May 12, click these links: both arms , left arm , right arm . Copy the item link and paste it to your in-game chat and you can see it in the dressing room preview. Armbands in the marketplace usually sell for 700SC ($7.00 US), so be sure to log in!  This free item can only be claimed from 12:01a.m. PDT on May 12th through 11:59pm PDT on May 14th, 2010! To claim this item in-game, type /marketplace or click on the Marketplace tab in the EQII menu.
Farewell to the Isles [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Game Update 56 will bring the end of an era to EQII: Norrath's major cities, Freeport and Qeynos, will no longer be available as starting locations for new characters. Originally announced back in February, this caused some panic and consternation among players. Alan Crosby, former EQII Senior Producer, said "The new player experience in Qeynos and Freeport are just not up to snuff anymore and do not provide as solid an experience when you enter the game for the first time."New Senior Producer Dave Georgeson said he would not be changing plans for the short term, and sure enough, Monday night on Test the Queen's Colony and Outpost of the Overlord were"turned off". I'm in the group of players that's not very happy with the decision. In EverQuest II Freeport and Qeynos are cities diametrically opposed in politics and philosophy. After the Shattering they became the homes for all the playable races of Norrath. It seems strange to me that new players will not be allowed to start ...

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