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Nagafen Server Downtime July 29, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Greg"Rothgar"Spence, EQII Lead Programmer, posted on the official forums that the Nagafen server will have downtime Thursday morning at 7am.  The downtime is expected to last an hour.  Rothgar said that this will begin the process of moving Nagefen to new equipment. During this maintenance we will be upgrading some of Nagafen's game servers.  After the upgrade is successful we will be monitoring server performance and slowly shutting down older hardware.  Our goal is to eventually have all of Nagafen moved to the new hardware but we will be doing it a little at a time so we can monitor load and adjust accordingly. Initially we will be moving some zones such as Antonica and Commonlands to the new hardware in hopes that it improves your experience with Warfields. Here's to a rapid upgrade and a smooth transition for Nagafen!  
To Pay or Not to Pay? [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Tuesday SOE announced they would be offering a free-to-play service, called EverQuest II Extended (EQ2X), in addition to their current traditional subscription-based EverQuest II (EQ2 Live). On the EQ2X server players will be able to purchase useful items in the Station Marketplace with Station Cash, SOE's virtual currency. Naturally this caused a bit of a stir in the loyal players in EQ2. Is this the oft-mentioned real money transaction“slippery slope” that started with Exchange Servers, or simply evidence that the world is moving on and that change will not kill the games we know, love and obsess about?  Dave“Smokejumper” Georgeson, EQII senior producer, was careful to let it be known right from the start that they had heard the player base, and that the existing servers and monetization model would not be changing. According to Georgeson the game on the two services will be identical. The major difference, beside the subscription model, is the pre ...
Community Address Added to Fan Faire Schedule [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
The SOE Fan Faire schedule was updated today, and now includes"an informal Community Address"by John Smedley to kick off the festivities Thursday night.  Fan Faires past have included a Community Address with high production values and players were disappointed to find it missing from the schedule.  Fear not, SOE fans, Smed will be addressing the masses!  See the revised schedule on the Fan Faire site .
City Festival Starts This Weekend! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Having graciously granted Gorowyn its turn in the festival circuit last month, Kelethin is indeed hosting the next City Festival.  The party begins on August 1st at 12:01am PDT and runs until August 7th at 11:39pm PDT. This monthly festival is a place to spend those City Tokens you've been earning doing City Tasks on city-themed house items and other fun stuff.  Don't forget to pick up a spiffy Festival outfit! For more information on the City Festivals, including the exact location, see our City Festivals page!
Update Notes for July 14, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This week's hotfix included several bug fixes and some enhancements. Some encounters from Underfoot Depths and Icy Keep: Retribution were addressed, the city of Gorowyn has called in engineers for civic improvements and several instances from Desert of Flames and Kingdom of Sky are now persistent. See the full patch notes after the hop. GENERAL Many instances from Deserts of Flame and Kingdom of Sky are now persistent.  This includes Ancient’s Table, Cazel’s Mesa, Scornfeather Roost, The Halls of Fate, The Blackscale Sepulcher, The Den of the Devourer, The Vaults of El’Arad, and The Nest of the Great Egg. ITEMS The Monstrous Stud of Might now procs Rancorous Ire. The Glowing Rune Covered Tome of Sorrow now additional has Manawell III and is usable by Priests. The Sublime Cestus has had its proc changed from Rancorous Ire to Scornful Presence II. LON ITEMS The Legends of Norrath item“Bottled Breath” should no long ...
Update Notes for July 7, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This week's update fell on a Wednesday, fixing several recent issues. The errand quest NPC for the City Festivals made a return after his weekend hiatus and several heroic and raid zone encounters were addressed. See the full patch notes after the jump. POPULATION Gantrik Hammerstein is once more available to provide the Far Seas Trading Company with city festival supplies in the Isle of Mara. PVP QUESTS Learning the Path should now update correctly when completing a PvP Writ. UNDERFOOT DEPTHS Energized Taehric Construct (Challenge Mode) : Players now have more time to kill the animated taehric energies before they are absorbed by the construct. THE HOLE: DEMITRIK'S BASTION The roekillik sisters"Tiriini and Shirinu"should now only summon one protector per summoning spell if not slain before spell finishes. One sister summoning two protectors should no longer occur. ICY KEEP: RETRIBUTION Respawn points within the zone have been reworked. Players ...
Test Copy Server Purge Imminent [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
A forum post by"Bunji"of the Quality Service department informed us that the Test Copy server is slated to be purged as early as today.  This means all player information for that server will be deleted.  He also stated that" There is no ETA on when this server will be back up at this time." Test Copy is the server where players can copy over characters from the live servers, bypassing the leveling process to test high-end content.  From time to time it has also been switched to a Player versus Player server to test PvP content. There is no mention of the regular Test server, which carries a built-in experience bonus to facilitate content testing, so it can be assumed that Test is not affected.
Featured Guide: Butcherblock Mountains Series [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
With the new player experience moving players through Neriak, Kelethin, Gorowyn, and New Halas, the Butcherblock Mountains have become the focus of the level 20 through 35 player experience.  Veteran players also revisit the zone for many deity quests and on the way to the Estate of Unrest. Game Update 55 brought some rearrangements and additions to this zone, including new quest hubs and a direct connection to Steamfont Mountains.  Whether you're a new player just getting there or a veteran bringing up a new alt, you'll want to check out our Butcherblock Mountains Quest Series page !
Calthine's Fan Faire Tips [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
Have you registered for Fan Faire yet?  It's less than a month away and registration closes in two weeks. That means it's time for my annual Fan Faire Tips!  This is stuff I and other Fan Faire veterans have learned attending past Fan Faires and other conventions.  All this may mean nothing if you're the type who can toss a change of undies in a bag and be good for a week, but me, I need to plan a bit. Getting there: If you're flying, be sure to check the current FAA regulations on what you can and cannot carry. There are, for example, some odd rules about extra laptop batteries. Check your departing airport's website for how early you need to be there: if you miss the window you might arrive without your luggage. Once in Vegas, plan on a couple of hours to get from the plane to your hotel. I recommend you catch a shuttle to the hotel. It doesn't matter which one - they all cost about the same, $15 or so. Buy a round trip-ticket, because it's cheaper that way a ...
City Festival Starts July 1 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
In a suprise tweet Tiffany"Amnerys"Spence, EQII Community Manager, let us know that the monthly City festival is in Gorowyn!  The Sarnak city in Timorous Deep is hosting the Far Seas festival caravans from July 1st through July 7th.  This monthly festival is a place to spend those City Tokens you've been earning doing city tasks on city-themed house items and other fun stuff.  Don't forget to pick up a spiffy Festival outfit!  Find the festival in the carvern near the Timorous Deep dock. The expected location, based on Festivals thus far, was Kelethin, but the location change is confirmed in a tweet by Emily"Domino"Taylor , who said" normally it would have been Kelethin, but Gorowyn residents had some other plans in August and requested a reschedule! " For more information on the City Festivals see our City Festivals page! Editor's Note:   While normally scheduled to start at midnight PST, at 00:30 the festival had not yet popped in Gorowyn or any ...

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