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Prowler Mount Contest Continues! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Have you entered our Prowler giveaway yet?  Phase 1's winners have been chosen, but don't despair!  We have a new screenshot up to caption.  Next week we will chose two more winners, and also give a mount to a totally random participant!  Click here for instructions, rules, and links! Here are the winning Phase 1 captions: "Well I gotta run. I'm suppose to repop in 2 minutes."  by Kitartha "Your personal ad was a touch misleading."by Dyadem
Mr. and Ms. Norrath-International 2010 Party [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Join the SOE Community Team and your fellow Norrathians Tuesday June 15 for the Mr. and Ms. Norrath-International 2010 party!  Mysterious portals will appear around 9am to transport you to the Community Lounge for the festivities.  Find the portals in East Freeport, Sinking Sands, South Qeynos, Antonica, the Commonlands, Darklight Wood, Everfrost and Moors of Ykesha.   source:  Facebook
Win a Prowler Mount! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
ZAM has acquired five Prowler mounts to give away to five lucky players!  These mounts recently became available exclusively on the EQII Marketplace for 2500 Station Cash ($25), but you can have yours for free.  All you have to do is enter and win our contest!  If you haven't seen one yet, they have a 65% runspeed boost, come in three colors and your choice of melee or caster stats.  Check out the video after the jump! Click here for instructions and the official rules. embed
SOE Podcast #87 is Live! [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
Join the SOE Community Department for the “Secret Covert Ham-Cast,” the Official SOE Podcast #87.   In this exciting episode: Podramady author (and EQII Community Manager) Christie"Kiara"Renzetti co-hosts. Emily tries to track down Hubert, who has gone missing yet again. The news with Jason Ryan’s gives you all of the latest updates on SOE titles! You can download the podcast from the Podcast Website and iTunes (search for SOE and click"subscribe"). Your feedback is always welcome either on the Station forums or via email .
Monthly City Festival Starts June 1! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
As anticipated, New Halas is hosting the Far Seas festival caravans from June 1st through June 7th!  This monthly festival is a place to spend those City Tokens you've been earning doing city tasks on city-themed house items and other fun stuff.  Don't forget to pick up a spiffy Festival outfit!  Find the festival in New Halas proper, next to the Cairn of the Huntress . For more information on the City Festivals see our City Festivals page!
EQII Update Notes: Tuesday June 1, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Today's hotfix addressed minor issues with the Druid Ring Reconstruction event , fixed some PvP issues, and includes a fair list of notes for Icy Keep: Retribution .  Full notes are available below the jump! DRUID RING EVENT The Defender of Growth now ports players from an already rebuilt druid ring to the one that is currently being constructed. QUESTS Recycle Your Minions: Part Three - Players who have completed the quest, Recycle Your Minions: Part Three, but did not accept Damodar’s next quest, Assisting Jaswinda, can now hail Damodar again and gain the quest. ITEMS Shoulderpads of the Black Death now grant the effect Empowered Minion. Pendant of the Ice Drake Eye and Mounted Ice Drake Scale Amulet have had potency added to them. Icy Keep shoulder items have had potency added to them. The Seeker’s of the Dark Truth faction mount should now be 65% run speed. Mounts for level 90 guilds should no longer require level 80 to summ ...
Halas Reborn... Tomorrow! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
EverQuest II's Game Update 56, Halas Reborn, is slated to go live tomorrow!  The downtime will happen at the usual time of 7am PDT for the US servers and 9pm PDT (4am on 26 May GMT) for the EU servers.  Your faithful ZAM staff has been working on the Test servers to bring you lots and lots of information on this update.  Want to start a new character in New Halas?  We've got that .  Wonder what those funky new globe-like bells are?  We've got that too !  Did you know there's daily tasks for Adorners ?  And new red shiny collections ?  Heads up, your Guild Hall travel bells will change.  And if you got stuck hitting the level cap in Sentinel's Fate, we've got all the new Stonebrunt Highlands content for you too, To see all that and more, check out ZAM's GU56 page , which includes the patch notes.
SOE Official Podcast #86 Now Available [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
Join the SOE Community Department for Official SOE Podcast #86: the“Hodgepodge Cast!”  In this exciting episode: Hear all about EverQuest II’s Halas Reborn. PlanetSide’s Black Ops event recap. The announcement of the Mr. and Ms. Challenge winners. Lydia“Zatozia” Pope talks about the upcoming EQ server merges. You can download the podcast from the Podcast Website and iTunes (search for SOE and click"subscribe"). Your feedback is always welcome either on the Station forums or via email …                       
Druid Ring Reconstruction Event [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The Druid Ring Reconstruction Event , slated to last throughout the entire update, went live today with the launch of GU56 . Loyal servants of Growth have banded together to infuse the defiled druid rings of Norrath with the loving magic of Tunare. As each ring progresses, it will be left to rejuvinate the rest of the way itself, and work on the next ring will begin. For the first stage of this event, players can seek out various quest givers at the druid ring within the Valley of the Dead in Nektulos Forest. There are combat, errand and tradeskill quests to choose from, so everyone of all sizes can lend a hand. The nearby supply officer has various rewards : some new, and others popular returns from past events, such as the Teleportation Pads and Impreceptible Beauty clothing set--available for exchange as you earn tokens. Also released today and planned to be available until GU57 is the repeatable Tribute to the Huntress quest, the conclusion of the New Halas prelude event.
Is it Getting Harder to Define What Makes an MMO? [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
When we reported EA's unveiling of its Need For Speed World racing-sim MMO in London earlier this week, the news received little fanfare from our readers, and they weren't alone. Most MMO fans weren't exactly frothing at the mouth in anticipation of a new"massively-multiplayer online racing game,"with the exception of Need For Speed's established community and the usual racing-sim fans. We're not specifically picking on Need For Speed World here; it's just another sign of the times. The unrelenting emergence of online multiplayer games branded as MMOs has watered-down the market. Today's new MMO announcements (which surface weekly) just don't carry the weight they once did, even those with relatively-unique gameplay based outside the usual RPG fantasy and sci-fi genres. One problem is that today's market is bursting at the seams with games that tried to ride the coattails of the MMO craze. As the success of games like EverQuest and World of Warcraft rose, video game ...

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