Hotfix - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
As posted on the official forums : The US servers will come down on November 16, 2010, at 6:30 am PDT for a hotfix. The expected downtime is 1 1/2 hours. There are no update notes for this hotfix. Here's our Time Zone Conversaion Tool to help you plan!
Spotlight: November Events [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The Commonlands became a flurry of activity this month as the Far Seas caravans rolled in, offering their wares for the Freeport City Festival . Three new local specialties were introduced this month, including the much anticipated city-themed door . Also new are the Oktoberfest Forum Challenge paintings, which are sold by Sanya Farshore. The city festival will end at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, November 7th. Players now have only this coming weekend remaining to finish up their Nights of the Dead quests. A new quest this year, Nights of the Dead Devotee , offers players a stroll through all the event areas as well as a sweet-toothed reward. The event is slated to turn off at 11:59pm PST on Monday, November 8th. EverQuest II turns six years old this month, and in celebration of this event both Freeport and Qeynos will again be hosting the Heroes'Festival . Players can enjoy three new quests this year where they will assist the new festival band and help locate some lost decoration ...
Scheduled Server Downtime on November 8th [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
According to a post by Amnerys on the EQII forums: On Monday, November 8, 2010, the following servers will be coming down at 6:00 AM PST for network maintenance: Befallen, Permafrost, Crushbone, Runnyeye, Mistmoore, Oasis and Innovation . The downtime will also affect Battlegrounds servers. The servers are expected to be down for about 1 and 1/2 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience and will have the servers back online as quickly as possible. Here's our handy Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan!
Server Merger Questions and Answers [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The server mergers are scheduled to begin on or around November 16. Despite an email and a couple of official posts on the forums, players still have some questions about the impending merges. We combed community posts for concerns and sent them off to SOE, where Amnerys was able to get us some answers from the developers. We hope this helps everyone plan for the mergers! ZAM: Are legacy titles being considered for players on home servers? SOE: No. Only players that are merged away from their original server will gain titles. ZAM: Regarding potential guild name conflicts: If two guilds share the same name, what is the criteria for which guild will keep the name? Will active guilds have the chance of losing their name to an inactive guild simply due to the guild's inception date? SOE: The guild that was created first, chronologically, will keep the name. ZAM: Will the EQ2Player leveling history and/or item discoveries be wiped for anyone affected by the ...
SOE Super Fan Days: November 3-9, 2010 [General News]
from ZAM News (full)
November 3rd through 9th SOE will be offering 50% off on-line Station Cash purchases! In addition, each Station Cash enabled game (EverQuest, EverQuest II, EverQuest II Extended, PoxNora, Clone Wars Adventures, and Free Realms) will have a one-day sale on one item each day of the promotion, so log in every day and see what you can get cheap with your half-price Station Cash! Please note that this promotion does not include purchases made via SMS or pre-paid retail cards. Check official SOE game websites for more information, or watch your email for promotion details.
SOE Account Services&Commerce Maintenance [General News]
from ZAM News (full)
According to posts on official SOE forums: Beginning at 6am PDT on Tuesday, November 02nd, all SOE account and commerce flow and the Station Store will be unavailable for maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately three hours. During this maintenance period game servers will still be accessible. We apologize for this interruption and will resume the affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed. Here's our convenient Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan.
EQII Hotfix Tuesday, November 2, 2010 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The US servers will come down on November 2, 2010, at 7am PDT for a hotfix. The expected downtime is one hour. UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on November 3, with an expected downtime of two hours. Here's our convenient Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan. See the complete patch notes after the jump. GENERAL Fixed a bug where some NPC’s weren’t able to find currency in the new currency window. Fixed a client crash related to in-game voice chat. COMBAT Pets should be able to attack immune monsters if their owner is able to attack that monster. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Fixed a bug where some AAs such as“Enhance: Aria of Magic” would not properly apply bonuses after zoning. TRADESKILLS Several Tradeskill Writs have had their quest text updated! PVP WARFIELDS The Enchanted Lands inner guards will now spawn as heroic mobs. PVP IT ...
Hotfix for November 3, 2010 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
The US servers will be coming down on Wednesday, November 3 at 7am PDT for a hotfix . The estimated downtime is one hour. The patch notes are listed below. GENERAL Fixed a crash issue related to pet immunity. EVERQUEST II EXTENDED EQ2X Gold members and copied characters with EQ2 subscriptions will no longer recieve the"upgrade"website when closing the client.
Featured Guide: A Crafter's Tour of Norrath [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Having a hard time finding your city's crafting area? Wondering where the Woodworking Tables are in Jarsath Wastes? What happened to the Everfrost crafting area? There are lots of interesting places to craft in Norrath! From the forge at Fort Irontoe to the Work Bench in the Nest of the Great Egg, here's your guide to every crafting station in Norrath. Check out our newly updated guide Tradeskill Instances and Other Places to Craft . And if you've just come back and are confused by the fuel name changes, here's a handy chart to help you figure it out.
City Festival Starts Tonight! [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Tomorrow is the beginning of November, bringing us the Freeport City Festival ! The festival is planned to start on November 1st at 12:01am PDT and run until November 7th at 11:59pm PDT. You can find the Far Seas Caravan in the Commonlands between the Crossroads and the Freeport Griffon Tower. This month you can pick up two new Freeport-themed house items: a Freeport lamppost and a Freeport display counter . Beginning this month players will also be able to purchase interactable city-themed doors, such as the carved Freeport door , during the appropriate festivals. Visit Chris Weathers to see all the local specialities available to the city. Another exciting new addition to the festival for November is the six winning paintings from the Oktoberfest Forum Challenge , which will be available on Sanya Farshore.