Seven Year Veteran Reward Announced [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Late this afternoon SOE announced the new seven year Veteran Reward: the Mistmoore Crags Estate . The estate is a tax-free (meaning no cost and no unkeep) home with five rooms and a balcony view of the Loping Plains. Seven year vets who wish to use this home can find it in their claim window on October 12th after the release of Game Update 58. The portal to the home will be found next to the Skyblade Skiff in South Freeport and South Qeynos . Visit EverQuest II's official site to read more about the Mistmoore Crag Estate.
Featured Guide: Character Slots [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Today SOE makes purchasable character slots available on the Marketplace to both EQ2 Live and EQ2X players. A one time 1000 Station Cash purchase makes an extra slot yours forever! But how many slots are you starting wiith? With Station Access and standard subscriptions, plus EQII Extended's multiple membership levels, the answer's not as quick as you'd think. We've done the research and have all the answers, plus purchasable character slot informaion, in our new Character Slots guide !
Patch Notes for October 5 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
All US servers will be coming down for the weekly hotfix today at 7AM PDT with an estimated downtime of 2 hours. The update will allow players to purchase an unlimited number of character slots and introduce some new features to the Marketplace. See the full patch notes below. MARKETPLACE You can now buy extra character slots in the marketplace! You can now redeem station cash cards directly in game by going to: Marketplace - Add Funds - Station Cash Card. You can now add a credit card to your file directly in game by going to: Marketplace - Add Funds - Credit Card - Add New Card. Check the marketplace for“New” and“Hot” items! Marketplace items that are discounted from normal price will now show“SALE” on the icon in both the welcome window and the marketplace window. PERAH’CELSIS’ ABOMINABLE LABORATORY Homicidal Madness (the charm spell) no longer affects fighters. EVERQUEST 2 EXTENDED Bronze members will ...
Hotfix - Wednesday, October 6, 2010 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
According to Amnerys'post on the official forums: The US servers will come down on October 6, 2010, at 7am PDT for a hotfix. The expected downtime is 1 hour. There are no notes for this hotfix.
Featured Guide: Player Housing [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
In Game Update 58 , which is due on October 12th, the largest homes in each city will be receiving an outdoor addition to them. Housing has received considerable attention over the past year, and it can be overwhelming to newer players to decide which home will suit them the best. Whether you're simply considering moving to one of the many houses in Freeport or setting up your dwelling in New Halas, our housing guide has everything covered. Find information regarding how houses and item placement works, galleries of the many styles and new additions, pricing for the many housing choices and much more. Seven year veterans may also be interested in taking a sneak peek at the prestige house that will become available to them in GU58: Mistmoore Crags Estate . We hope you find our housing guide helpful. Happy decorating!
Win a 30-Day EverQuest II Extended Gold Membership [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
To celebrate the launch of EverQuest II Extended ZAM has acquired ten 30-day Gold Membership codes to give away! This membership usually costs $14.99, but you have a chance to get yours free... with a little creativity. Click here for instructions and official rules!
Spotlight: October Events [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
Antonica found itself bustling with activity early on October 1st as the Far Seas caravans arrived to celebrate the Qeynos City Festival . The local specialties merchant features two new items that are sure to please any Qeynosian--the Qeynos display counter and Qeynos elaborate sconce. The festival will continue to run until 11:59PM PDT on October 7th. In mid-October the Nights of the Dead will be upon us, bringing with it many spooky tricks and treats. All of the quests introduced in prior years will make a return and a new scavenger hunt styled quest is sure to challenge even the most hard-core Nights of the Dead enthusiast. New crafts and decorations will keep your home screaming with glee. The event will run from October 15th through November 8th. The phases of the moon will reveal the mysterious grottos again later in the month and their denizens will gladly offer you some tasks to perform. Decorators will be pleased to hear that three new tiles will be available this mo ...
EverQuest II Oktoberfest Parties Continue! [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
EverQuest II Oktoberfest parties continue this week as the SOE Community Team moves from the European servers to Test Copy. After each party the Community team will dash from server to server, opening up a portal for the Community Lounge across all the regular live servers shortly after each party for you to have your own parties! Be sure to pop in, because most of the goodies are free for the taking! There are also a few vendors with inexpensive festive cloaks and hats. Click the picture at right for our gallery of items and fun from Monday's party! See EQII Players for full details! There are three parties left this week: Tuesday, September 28th 6:00pm to 7:00pm PDT Test Copy Wednesday, September 29th 1:00pm to 2:00pm PDT Test Copy Thursday, September 30rd 1:00pm to 2:00pm PDT Test Copy
Hotfix - Tuesday, September 28, 2010 [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
As posted on the official forums , players can expect a one hour downtime Tuesday morning. This hotfix addresses an issue with Underfoot Depths. The US servers will come down on September 28, 2010, at 7am PDT for about an hour for a hotfix. UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on the 09/29/2010, with an estimated downtime of 2 hours. Here's the update notes; note that notes are not final until the update goes live, and are therefore subject to change. UNDERFOOT DEPTHS There is now a new respawn location right by the entrance to the Underfoot Seal chamber where Master Yael spawns. In order to activate this new respawn location, players will need to defeat fire elemental encounter“Saalax” before it can be accessed. EVERQUEST 2 EXTENDED Going to Battlegrounds on EQ2 Extended should no longer cause your items to set to 1c sell value.
Character Slots for Sale! [EverQuest II]
from ZAM News (full)
As of October 5 EverQuest II players will be able to buy individual character slots to enhance their stable of characters. Dave"Smokejumper"Georgeson, EQII Senior Producer, just posted this tidbit on the official forums : Here's a couple quick facts to answer obvious questions: Slots are pemanent. You pay for them once and they stay on your account forever. You can purchase any number of character slots. There is no limit. You want 20, 30 or even a bajillion character slots? Go for it. Regarding Station Access subscriptions: Character slots sold are *in addition to* any slots you are getting by being an SA subscriber. (Example: If you had 12 slots available as an SC subscriber and you purchase two more slots in the marketplace, you'll now have 14 slots available.) If you cancel your SA subscription, and then buy slots to replace the slots you were getting, your characters *will* still be present in those purchased slots (they won't get deleted ...