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Update Notes: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This week's hotfix includes minor fixes and an adjustment to the difficulty of the vigilant zones. GENERAL The difficulty of the Vigilant zones has been adjusted slightly. Fixed a bug causing some players to be locked out of the game when harvesting. ITEMS Warbeads should once again be dropping in Ykesha's Inner Stronghold Vest of Divine Equilibrium should now have 20 critical mitigation. Band of Stonefom has been slightly improved. PVP Removed legacy mults that reduced player spell avoidance and resist amounts as they were making the new formulas less effective. Overall, players should see their resists be more effective vs spells QUESTS The ring event for King Speleothem should now be respawning properly. PALACE OF ROEHN THEER Maalus Imbued priest clones have been balanced. Also the demoralization spell it casts on players no longer stifles, and is curable as a normal arcane spell. PERAH’CELSIS’ ABOMINABLE ...
Alan"Brenlo"Crosby Leaves SOE? [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Astute fans of Sony Online Entertainment noticed Alan"Brenlo"Crosby changed his job status on Facebook this afternoon.  His Recent Activity says"Alan removed his job as Senior Producer - EverQuest II at Sony."  A query to Christine"Kiara"Renzetti, EQII Community Manager, resulted in a polite"no comment."  We will report details as they become available.  Wherever Alan is going, ZAM and the EQII Community wish him the best.  
New EQII Producer Announced [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
On the heels of our news that Alan Crosby was no longer at SOE, Linda"Brasse"Carlson, SOE Senior Community Manager, posted this announcement on the EQII official forums : After many years of service, Alan"Brenlo"Crosby has decided to leave SOE to pursue other opportunities.  And while it is sad to see him leave, we wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors. At this time, we'd like to take a moment to introduce EverQuest II's new producer, Dave Georgeson.  Dave is excited to join the EQII Team and will be posting an introduction in the near future. Dave's resume includes SOE's Planetside and Free Realms , and his LinkedIn page says he's been back at SOE since February.  Welcome Dave!  We look forward to seeing what you bring to Norrath.
Halas Reborn Preview Video Released [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Game Update 56, expected to hit modern Norrath in late May, is bringing some exciting features.  Both New Halas and Shaders 3.0 are back on the slate after being postponed.  EQII Players also notes that there will be two raids added (Icy Keep and The Hole), the promised travel revamp, and the new Storyteller system. See the new video below the jump.  Those look amazingly like Coldain dwarves, and if you look very carefully you'll spot a purple shiny !   embed
Downtime March 31, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
According to a post by Kiara on the official forums , the US servers will be down from 2am to 5am PDT on Wednesday, March 31st for some hardware maintenance.  There's no mention of hotfixes or patches. Here's our handy Time Zone Conversion Tool to help you plan.  
Bristlebane Day Starts March 30 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Celebrate the god of mischief and jests this Bristlebane Day , which will run from March 30 through April 11, 2010.  Followers of Bristlebane believe in having fun, at the expense of nearly all else. They are almost always very charming, clever, and witty, traits which all Bristlebane followers should strive to have. Mischief in all its forms is encouraged.  New this year are" Perfectly Serious Items to Craft ", Jester's Gardens with harvestables from other Norrathian Holidays, and more new one-day special events on April 1.  Check out our Bristlebane Day page for a glimpse at all the run!
Double Station Cash Weekend! [Free Realms]  from ZAM News (full) 
Astute ZAM user MarisolBluesurf spotted this spash screen in Free Realms, announcing a double Station Cash weekend! The promotional period is April 2, 2010 (after 4pm Pacific Time) through April 4, 2010 (before 11pm Pacific Time) .  Only retail card redemptions will receive double Station Cash.  It doesn't matter when you purchased the retail cards, only that you redeem them during the promotional period. While this is a Free Realms promotion, anyone with a Station account can redeem retail cards for double Station Cash during the promotional period.  Once successfully redeemed, the cardholder’s wallet balance will reflect the new pre-paid Station Cash balance plus a bonus of 100% of the card’s Station Cash value which can be used anytime. Station Cash can be redeemed in EverQuest®, EverQuest® II and Free Realms™ in-game marketplaces. For a list of retailers and instructions on redeeming your Station Cash cards, see this post o ...
EQII Producer's Letter [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Alan"Brenlo"Crosby, EQII Senior Producer, discusses hot topics in the EQII Community including Shaders 3.0, Itemization, and New Halas.Â?Also included is news about upcoming raid content, Battlegrounds support, and the Storyteller system we've been hearing about.Â?And what's this - a travel revamp? Read Brenlo's post over on the EQII forums or after the jump. I am going to try something new and try to provide a high level update of where we are headed with EQII.Â?I would caveat that anything talked about as being in the planning stages, e.g. not actually on release notes, is subject to change.Â?That said our next update is planned for the month of May.Â?We have a lot planned for this update, not the least of which is to continue to improve live game performance.Â?Some servers are struggling a bit with the new load created by returning players, Battlegrounds, more items in the database, etc and are not reacting well.Â?This is our engineering teamâ??s number one ...
EverQuest II Hotfix - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The regular Tuesday Hotfix is on Tuesday this week!  US servers will come down at 6am PDT; Runnyeye and Splitpaw will patch at 9pm PDT (4am GMT on Mar 31st).  This hotfix includes the addition of Guild Status to heroic zone and raid bosses; new mounts in Paineel; some item adjustments; and tweaks to some Sentinel's Fate instances. See the entire Update Notes after the jump. GENERAL Guild status has been added for Heroic zone boss kills and raid boss kills. Personal Supply Depots can no longer be“returned to owner”. New Mounts are available for purchase in North Odus (Scions of the Deepwater Knights), South Odus (City of Paineel) and from horse merchants in the cities of Kelethin, Freeport, Neriak and Qeynos for 90 level guilds.  In addition, a chance to obtain a mount is available in both the group and raid portion of Erudin Palace. BATTLEGROUNDS You will now automatically unmentor when a battleground match ends. Going to a ba ...
The City Festival Starts Today! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Industrious Norrathians have discovered the Far Seas caravans in Antonica, just outside the city of Qeynos!  This monthly festival is a place to spend those City Tokens you've been earning doing city tasks on local specialty house items and other fun stuff.  Don't forget to pick up a spiffy Festival outfit! For more information on the City Festivals, including the exact location, see our City Festivals page!

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