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Update Notes: Wednesday March 3 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Today's update includes a fix to an AA Mirror bug, many quest tweaks, and a mechanic to help with people going AFK in Battlegrounds.     ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Fixed a bug which caused achievement mirrors to not work correctly in some instances on a PvP server. BATTLEGROUNDS You can no longer join a battlegrounds match while possessing a creature. Fixed a bug which allowed group leaders to kick people from group in battlegrounds. We’ve implemented an AFK voting system into battlegrounds in order to report teammates that have gone AFK in a match. A player can only be voted AFK if they haven’t had any recent activity. If they receive 3 unique votes for AFK’ing during a match they will be removed from the match and will not receive a reward. Players removed this way will also receive the truancy debuff. QUESTS Bonemire - The quest"Go back to Vegli"now correctly identifies the name of the gnome you need to return to.  It ha ...
Hotfix - Thursday March 4, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
There will be a hotfix on Thursday to take care of a" rather urgent issue."  The US servers will patch at the usual time of 6am PST and Runnyeye and Splitpaw will patch at 9pm PST (5am GMT Friday March 5).  Downtime is expected to last an hour to an hour and a half. After this EQII should be returning to the normal Tuesday morning hotfixes.  Here's our handy Time Zone Convertor to help you plan. Source:  Official Forums
SOE Fan Faire 2010 Announced [General News]  from ZAM News (full) 
SOE has announced the dates and location for SOE Fan Faire 2010!  This annual event allows players and developers from all SOE games to mingle and discuss all matters MMO. Fan Faire will be August 5 - 8, 2010 at Bally's Las Vegas .  See the official Fan Faire website for details!   Source:  EQII Official Forums
Hotfix Notes - March 9, 2009 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
This week's hotfox brings us a few changes to Battlegrounds, as well as raid mob changes and minor quest and item tweaks.  GENERAL It should be more difficult to get out of PvP combat after engaging someone in PvP combat. You can no longer break PvP encounters by using /yell. All raid mobs have had their damage and melee reduced by 10-20% BATTLEGROUNDS You will now only get a death credit in a battleground if you actually die. Ungrouped members on the same team should be autogrouped after a few seconds. The old group icons are back. So custom UI group icons should work normally now. Russian names now display properly in the battleground leaderboard window. Healing from wards will now count as healing given and healing received in the battleground leaderboard. ITEMS The descriptions for Clarissa's Content Countenance and Criggle's Chaotic Characteristics have been updated to resolve some confusion issues. The following items have been changed fr ...
Bug Exploitation Results in Bannings [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Alan"Brenlo"Crosby, EQII Senior Producer, posted on the official forums addressing the recent Battlegrounds transmuting bug and actions taken against players who exploited it. This weekend an exploit was found on the Battlegrounds server which allowed players to transmute items, and have those items returned when leaving the Battlegrounds.  This occured due to a change we made in the code to speed up the return process.  While we understand that this was a bug of our creation, some players chose to take advantage of it, knowing it was not meant to work in that fashion.  Many players took advantage of the bug, to varying degrees.  Some of our community however went to great lengths to abuse the bug.  For those accounts that abused this obvious bug, we have taken action.  Some have been removed from the game altogether, while others are losing all of the items on their characters.  All will face at least some time removed from the game as we s ...
Raise Your Steins, Brewday is March 11 - 22 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Brewday, the Norrathian holiday celebrating all things beer, I mean, Brell, hits live servers March 11 and will run through March 22.  ZAM's own Cyliena has been on Test drinking her way from tavern to tavern and brings us news of a new collection quest and new crafting recipes! It's pretty easy to find the Bar of Brell, there's portals outside major Norrathian cities.  But if you need a hint or maybe got started on the ale early, see our Brewday page !  
Hotfix Notes - March11, 2009 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
A quick hotfix Thursday morning brought itemization changes and removed effects specfic to PvP servers from Battlegrounds.     GENERAL Wild Swings will now persist through death. The switches that open and close doors and barriers on the Vigilant: Final Destruction should now function on PvP servers. Killing several Dreadnaught guards in South Freeport will now cause them to learn some respect. The same applies to Thexians in North Freeport.   BATTLEGROUNDS Effects that can only be obtained on PVP Servers will no longer work in Battlegrounds. ITEMS All raid dropped armor now has red adornment slots. Critical Mitigation on many raid dropped armor pieces have been changed to be more in line with TSO numbers. Many of the high tier armor sets have been renamed to reduce confusion. Brellium resist jewelry items have been improved. All raid dropped jewelry now has resists. Many raid drop weapons and jewelry items have had a ...
EQII Developer Chat March 18, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
Y'all are cordially invited to the next exciting EQII ZAM Developers Chat!  This is the chat that was postponed a couple weeks ago.  We've saved all the questions sent in advance, so there's no need to send them again! Thursday, March 18, 5:00pm PDT In the #EQ2 channel on ZAM IRC General chat during the actual event will be in #EQ2FFA New to Allakhazam IRC?  Instructions here!   Or use EQ2Wire's EQII ZAM Chat portal . Here is a handy Time Zone Converter , already set to Pacific time, to help you plan!
Hotfix Notes - Thursday March 18, 2010 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
GENERAL Brawler Focus: Stances red adornments have been restored to their original values. BATTLEGROUNDS Fixed an issue that would cause some players to become stuck when returning home from a battlegrounds match. It should no longer be possible to cause your character to become stuck by spam-clicking the cloud mounts in Smuggler’s Den. ITEMS Many of the Tier 3 Raid Boss Armor drops have been improved to be more in line with the challenge. Tier 3 Priest sets had some spell reuse added and some casting haste removed. Chainmail of Worshipped Will should now have the proper critical mitigation. Chainmail of Worshipped Will should now have a red raid adornment slot. Greaves of Recollected Vengeance have had their critical bonus returned to their original value of 12.6. A few more high-end accessories and armor pieces have been found that did not accept new tradeskill adornments. These have been fixed. Frothy Tankard can no longer ...
Moonlight Enchantments Starts Tonight! [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
The monthly mini event Moonlight Enchantments (often called"The Grottos") starts tonight!  The event will turn on at 12:01am PST on March 20th and run until 11:59pm PST on March 21st. These times apply directly with no time conversion to all servers. If you need to hand finding these mysterious mushroom rings or want a peek at the rewards, see our Moonlight Enchantments Mini Live Event page!

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