BlueLightning of the Heavens






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Downtime - Tuesday, September 29, 2015 [EverQuest II]  from ZAM News (full) 
US servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7am PT for an update. Expected downtime is two hours. EU servers will come down at 9pm PT (5am London Time on September 30th) for their update. Estimated downtime is one hour. Here are the patch notes: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Precipice of Power [Raid] Daerial's Underfoot Portal will now be passed on to a new player once the previous one is rendered inert instead of despawning. Cazic-Thule's Touch of Fear spell has had its range lowered to his island only. QUESTS An Eye for Power - Frosthorn minotaurs have returned to the Jagged Plains in Everfrost, despite the Sundered Ground nearby. DRUNDER Server no longer requires a Membership.

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